Chapter 4

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Its currently 6:30 in the morning, and I'm slowly trying to sneak out of my room without waking Harmony.

To be honest, I try to get away with waking up early most days so I can have some quite, I sound old...but anyway this is the only time I don't half to worry about anything.

I slowly tiptoe past her crib, out of the room and down the hallway into the living room and sit down at the t.v.

Right when I sit down, everything started going down hill.


I hear a flush coming from the bathroom. I kind of forget that I do share this hotel room with an early riser.

The door to the bathroom opens and Harry walks out.

"SHHH, do you half to flush so loud!" I whisper.

"Sorry, just you know, going to the bathroom!" He whispers back.

He walks down the hallway and whacks his knee on the wall by accident making a loud thump.

"OUCH" He yelps

"SHHH" I whisper back.

He limps over to the couch and sits.

"Sorry, just my pain" he says.

"Its cold in here, I'm gonna get a blanket from the closet" he furtherely says.

"Just please be quite" I plead

"Calm down, I got this" he smiles while getting up to walk to the closet.

The closet has blankets on the top, jackets hanging up, and shoes on the bottom.

"I can't reach!" He stands on his tiptoes trying to gain balance. He then stands on top of the shoe shelf still trying to reach.

Right then, I hear the sound of snapped wood, hangers hitting the floor and a loud thud from Harry.

I'm clenching on my knuckles and tightly shutting my eyes from the noise.

Shoes, blankets and Hangers were all over the floor, and also Harry.

"Harry are you-" I cut myself off and listen.

"What?" He says.

"Listen..." I stay still, then hear Harmony crying.

"Thanks Harry" I sarcastically say as I'm getting up.

"I got the blanket"

He murmurs.

I walk into my room and see Harmony standing in her crib holding the edge crying.

"Who's awake" I look at her and pick her up out of her crib.

I start to rock her back and forth as she slowly starts to stop crying.

"Are you hungry?" I look at her and she smiles.

"Ok sweetie, we will get you food" I smile and her and bring her to the kitchen.

I put Harmony in he high chair and strap her all in.

I go to the shelf and grab baby food.

"Harmony, would you like Peas or Carrots" I hold up the jars.

She just stays silent.

"Carrots it is" I open up the carrot baby food and start feeding it to you.

She makes a sour face as I'm feeding it to her.

"You don't like it? Are you sure your my child?" I laugh.

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