Chapter 19

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"What was that all about?" Julia takes Harmony from my arms.

"I have no idea. How did she even get up here? She just knocked on my door and came in her claiming She wants Harmony back. " I still feel overwhelmed on everything that just happened.

"Well she shouldn't of gave her up in the first place if she ever wanted her back"

Julia walks over and looks through the door hole.

"What are you doing?" I chuckle at her and Harmony at the door.

"Locking the door" She says with a straight face.

"She's not an axe murderer" I laugh.

"Well she still seems like she's missing a few bolts...if you know what I mean" She murmurs making Harmony look confused.

"You crack me up sometimes." I laugh.

"You never know! Oh I have a great idea!" She jogs over to the couch and pulls out my laptop off the table with Harmony cuddling on her chest.

"What?" I sit next to them while she logs on the computer.

"Let's stalk her!" She lightly claps her hands and starts typing.

"On...Facebook?" I look at the scene of her login to Facebook.

"She might have it! What's her full name" She looks over at me from the laptop on the table.

"Amanda....Sanchez" I try to remember.

I've actually never thought of ever contacting her on things like Facebook or Twitter.

I never thought of actually going on Facebook or Twitter to actually stay in touch. Things could of been different if I actually did contact her a year ago. But I wouldn't want to change what I have now.

"Hey I found her!" Julia smiles at her small success.

"Really?" I lean in to the computer more.

"Yeah, let's see some of her pictures"

Why do I actually feel this is illegal? We looks some of her photos she's tagged in.

"There all of her...drinking" she mumbles and I throw my head in my hands.

"How did you hook up with this chick?" She rolls her eyes. She seems actually jealous.

"I told you it was a bar! I was drunk for the first time in my life!" I persuade.

"Make sense" She nods.

"She was actually nice when I met her" I say.

I do remember her being actually a interesting person. Let alone I was already buzzed when I met her.

"Mm hmm" She doesn't seem to believe me.

"Oh look some lovely grinding pictures" Julia further says.

Harmony laughs the way she always does and points at the picture.

Julia swipes her hand over Harmony's eyes.

"No need to see that honey" She says to Harmony.

"She's good with computers" I mumble.

"How do you know?" Julia looks over to me.

"It says right here on her profile, Computer tech specialist" I point.

"Being able to type your name with your eyes shut doesn't count" Julia rolls her eyes.

"Why are you so snippy today?" I arch my brow.

She huffs and looks over at me.

"I'm sorry. I'm just a bit.." She stops herself.

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