Chapter 9

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A/N Sorry for late update! just a lot of things going on right now, but I promise to post on schedule again!! Thanks for the votes!


I'm in front of the lobby elevator with Harmony waiting for the boys to come out. Louis ran up there before I could stop him.

I look at Harmony in Louis big hoddie. She looks upset.

Then I heard the DING from the elevator.

Drawing my attention to the elevator see 5 bodies on the floor covered In gray dust. It was Niall, Liam, Harry, Zayn and Julia passed out.

No Louis.

"I need some help in here!!" I shout as I hold the elevator.

The security comes and grabs 1 by 1.

Right then the fire department comes on and the ambulance with the gurnies.

They put one person in each gurnie as the fire department goes into the elevator.

I have Harmony in my arms who is whimpering. I could imagine scared.

The boys and Julia get rolled outside in the gurnies as the fans start to scream and the paparazzi takes pictures.

Louis saved the boys and Julia, but I hope he is okay.

5 minutes go by and I'm pacing with Harmony in my arms.

The elevator dings and a its the fire department with Louis in a gurnie being rolled out.

He had multiple burns on him, worse then the others.

Harmony cries as she sees her dad unconscious and full of dust.

"Its alright Harmony, your dad is okay" I rock her back and forth, I follow the gurnie outside and hear the fans scream. I just walk onto the ambulance with Harmony as they shut the doors.


I wake up to the sound of beeps around the room, I look around and see Julia sitting in a chair next to me. I'm in a hospital bed with bandages wrapped around my leg and arm.

"Louis" she smiles, still a bit Dusty from the smoke.

"Julia" I start to wake up.

"Louis, your fine, you were in a fire and got burned a few times and you passed out, so did I and the boys" she puts her fingers in my hair.

"Are you okay? The boys? Harmony?" I ask numerous questions.

"I'm just fine and so are the boys because you got us out of there, and Harmony is with Lou and Lux so don't worry"she smiles.

I look at her wrapped arm in bandage.

"Is your arm okay?" I say.

"Oh...yeah just a burn, its just miner, and we will all be outta here tomorrow" she says.

I reach my arm out and grab her hand.

"Louis, I'm sorry for the fire..." She murmers.

"Why are you saying sorry?!" I widen my eyes.

"Cause it was my idea to make dinner" she says.

"So you think the fire was your fault because it was your idea to eat food?" I say sarcastically.

"Well kinda yeah"

"Julia, WE left the food un supervised, it was more my fault then anything!"

"No it wasn't! " she says.

"Okay, it was no ones fault! Let's put it like that"

I smile.

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