Chapter 26

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We rush to the CD signing straight from lunch. I didn't get anywhere with Audrey. I plan to go back their though.

Theirs something I feel about her that I can't really pin point...

Since we were tired of walking and especially with another body strapped to me, we decide to call a cab.

I don't really want to call management because they will be pissed we were lounging around downtown by ourselves anyway.

So a cab will do.

We see the yellow cab roll down the street so we quickly call it over.

The vehicle stops infront of us so we take the opportunity to jump in.

"Queens Centre Mall please" Liam says hoping in the front seat.

"For sure. I heard that band is down doing a signing. Good luck getting in there to any of them stores" the balding short man says for the driver seat.

"I'm Donny Frasco by the way" He says between barked coughs.

"I'm Liam, that's Zayn, Niall and Harmony" Liam points to all of us as the cab pulls in to the busy streets.

"I noticed the little one, is she yours?" Donny looks at me through the rear view mirror above him.

"No, she's our friend Louis. We're just babysitting and I got stuck carrying her in this baby satchel" I chuckle.

"Well you tell Mr. Louis that he has a very cute daughter" Donny says.

"I will" I smile and turn to the window.

Donny looks to be in his mid 50's. He also has a strong Boston accent.

"Hey man do you mind if I have a smoke?" Zayn says from behind the driver seat.

"Yeah go ahead, just roll the window down" Donny says.

"Thanks man" Zayn says and reaches into his pocket.

"Zayn!" I shout and wrap my arms around Harmony.

He freezes and looks over at me.

"Oh...yeah I guess it would be bad if she had to inhale that..." Zayn says.

"Thankyou" I nod and turn to our window.

I shuffle in my seat a bit to grab my phone out of my back jean pocket.

I grab my phone and go right into twitter. At the top of my news feed is Liam's tweet of Harmony eating a French fry.

She is sitting at the table mid eating one.

"Look Harmony it's you" I show her the picture and she smiles while pointing at the screen.

I turn back over to Zayn to show him the picture until I realize his whole head is sticking out the window while he smokes.

"Zayn!" I shout again.

"She's not breathing in anything" he yells from outside the car.

"Your making a bad Influence" I say.

"Look away Harmony" he says while having his cigarette dangle between his lips.

I shake my head and look out my window.

"I had a daughter that was once that small" Donny says and looks at the road.

"Oh yeah?" Liam says and Donny nods

"Mm hm...about 25 years ago when I had a full set of hair" He laughs and coughs.

"Shes in her 4th year of teachers college" He continues.

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