Chapter 8

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I lay in bed with Julia as he talk about stuff. Its kinda turned into a daily thing.

"Are you ok with this whole dating Harry thing?" She asks.

"Yeah, it will protect Harmony and I still get to see you, as long as it isn't real between you to" I say.

"Of course its not real!" She smiles.

"Are you ok with it?" I say.

"Yeah..I guess, its just a cover for when management is around, so its not a full time thing" she laughs.

"That's true" I say.

I hear a muffling sound. I look over at Harmony's crib and see her waking up from her nap.

Its about 5:30pm. Around the time she wakes from her nap.

I go over and lift her up and bring her to the bed with me and Julia and put her between us.

She lays on the bed still half asleep as she rubs her eyes with her tiny fists.

I think that one of the things I find adorable on her is her tiny hands and feet.

I sometimes put my open hand against hers and see the size difference.

She wakes up and looks at me and Julia on each side of her, and slowly goes for Julia's hair. Once again twirling it through her fingers as she does her little yawn.

Its pretty fascinating watching her wake up slowly. She seems so curious of her surroundings. She twirls the hair in her fingers as she looks around the room then looks straight into my eyes and give a toothless smile.

Her teeth are starting to grow in but I still consider her toothless.

I push out my lips and cross my eyes for 2 seconds to make her laugh, that face always makes her laugh.

Her lips stretch to her ears as she giggles and puts her open hand on my nose.

Julia and I sit up and I pull Harmony up with me. I lift her from her arm pits standing her up on the bed.

I grab her hands and start guiding her forward.

"Walk Harmony" I say.

She tries to lift her feet as I hold her hands but just bends her legs and sits down.

"Harmony you gotta try.." I mumble, but she just sits.

"She'll get the hang of it.." Julia snakes her hands from behind me under my arms and puts her hands on my shoulders.

She puts her chin on my shoulder.

"I know but, I just want the best for her...what if I am to busy to take care of her, what it-" I get cut off.

"Louis, she is doing fine, all kids learn at different paces, she loves you and your the best a dad can give there child" Julia kisses my cheek.

"Its just difficult on my own. I know I have you, and the boys and stuff, but I'm actually alone. What happens when she goes to school? How can I do that with always being on tour" I put my hands to my forehead.

"Louis, your not alone..and it will be a long time till she goes to school so don't be worrying about that" Julia says.

She always knows how to make me feel better.

"Your so comforting" I smile at her.

"I try" she sarcastically says.

"Aha very funny, let's go make dinner" I say as I pick up Harmony.

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