Chapter 27

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After being on the phone with my parents. I explained to them the whole around the world care taker thing. Their very confused on what I have to do but are proud.

On that note I did tell them Louis is my boyfriend so they want to invite us to dinner before we leave for LA.

Louis is thrilled to meet my parents but I can tell he is nervous. What guy isn't nervous about meeting the girlfriends parents though?

Now Louis is hopping around the place like a mad man trying to get himself and Harmony ready. This dinner isn't for over an hour.

My parents did also want him to bring Harmony. So of course Louis is more worried.

"Louis can you calm down!" I shout sitting on the couch in my pyjamas still.

"I am calm!" He says still rattling around.

"Lou, it's just my parents. They'll love you and Harmony" I smile.

"What if Harmony makes a mess! She might ta-" I cut him off.

"Louis, I have 4 siblings. I'm pretty sure they still haven't cleaned up my mess that I made when I was 5" I chuckle.

"They will love you okay" I add on.
"I just want to make a good impression" He stops from a moment.

"Louis, you realize my parents can just easily see who you are by searching you on Google right?" I mumble and he sits down next to Harmony and I.

"Oh shoot! What if they read a made up story on a gossip site! They will hate me right before physically meeting me!" He runs his hand through his hair.

"Well lucky for you my parents hate the internet. Their never on it so unless your in the paper, they won't read anything bad about you" I chuckle and watch the television.

"Well what if-" He says but I cut him off.

"Louis, you need to relax. My brother once brought home a woman almost double his age that he met at a bar and they still welcomed her" I laugh.

He huffs an nods.
"Plus they know your a great guy because the care you take for your daughter on your own. And your British so they will know you have some etiquette" I add and he pulls a half smile.

"Ha ha very funny" He says sarcastically.

"So can you take a moment and relax? You just got off your crutches so take it easy with the running around or you'll be back on them" I glare and point at him.

"Okay...I'll take a moment and stop. Aren't you excited about LA?" He changes the subject and sits with Harmony watching a cartoon.

"Yeah of course! I'm gonna miss New York though..." I shrug.

"Well we go to LA for a bit and some other places and then were on Christmas break for 2 weeks." He smiles.

"What are we doing for Christmas...are you just gonna go to England and I'll go to New York?"

"Well I'm guessing you want to spend time with your family, and I do with mine, so we will have to figure that out...because I still want to be with you" He shrugs.

"We will see if you still feel that way after living with me on a tour bus for 2 months.

"Probably just as sick of you as I am now" He jokes and I gasp.

"That's it. I'm calling my parents to tell them your terrible to me!" I start to get up but he stops me.

"No! I'm just kidding!" He says all worried like.

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