Chapter 3

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A lot of things has happened in this past 2 months.

I've decided to keep Harmony. I went to the doctors and got tested, so did she, and it turns out that she is my child. That doesn't matter anyways, after meeting her I couldn't let her go, and we have the money to take care of her obviously.

The only hardship is that I don't have a girlfriend to help me with her. The boys are here and sometimes Lou, but there's really no one for Harmony to look up to that is a woman. I'm just afraid of the confusion from her. I have all the papers legally taking custody over here, and in her diaper bag that was dropped off with her had the birth certificate in it, but yet, never got to secondly see the face of Amanda.

I'm in the bathroom brushing my teeth with Harmony right on the bathroom floor next to m.....where did she go? She's in the crawling stage so this isn't the first time this has happened.

"Harmony" I call her name while I run around the hotel room looking for her in nothing but my boxers and a toothbrush in my mouth.

How is she this fast! She was here 10 seconds ago.

"Harmony, where did you go?" I look all around and the last place I looked was the kitchen, and there she was right behind the counter getting into a box of Cheerios.

I spit out my toothpaste in the kitchen sink.

"What are you doing back here, silly girl. If you were hungry just say so" I use my baby voice hoping she would say something.

Harmony hasn't said her first word yet, and she is getting around the age where she should be.

I listen for any word or a grunt or anything, but there was silence and a big smile on her face.

"Ah, it was worth a shot" I pick her up.

"Let's go get you dressed" she is in just her diaper.

Harmony doesn't have a room to herself. 1 because there's only two rooms for Harry and me, and 2 because were One Direction and were always moving to different cities. I could always leave her at my moms house (By the way she's met Harmony and loves her) but I couldn't be away from my baby girl that long! So she has her crib and stuff in my room.

Luckily were here in New York for the next 3 months so that will give Harmony a chance to stay put for a bit.

To be honest, I'm not a bad dad. I've improved a lot. There is still some things that I need to work on, but I'll get the hang of it.

I get Harmony dressed in her pink long sleeved shirt with a yellow and orange flower on it, and matching pink pants.

When I need to get dressed, I put her on the couch and turn on Teletubbies to distract her so she won't run away. I do this cause I need to go get dressed. Usually moms just have there 6 month baby in the room with them while they change but I'm a dad, and she's a girl, so I don't really want to scar her.

"Harmony stay here, and don't get yourself dirty like you always do you little stain magnet!" I point at her and she just continues smiling.

I quickly run to my room and get changed. I was probably in there 2 minutes tops and I come back and she is still on the couch, but has stains ALL over her clothes.

"Harmony! What did you do" I put my fingers in my hair.

She just stares at me.

"Come on let's go" I pick her up by her arm pits and bring her to go get changed again.

We half to the recording studio today, and Lou can't baby sit today so she is coming with me.

Since I half to get her changed again, were running late.

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