Chapter 24

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I stretch my eyes open to a muffled sizzling sound coming from outside the bedroom.

I look next to me and see just an empty bed. I slump out of bed on my feet to feel the cold hard surface and I walk out of the bedroom.

The hotel smells like something on the stove cooking.

I walk to the white carpeted living room to see Harmony in her bouncy chair in front of the TV playing some sort if children show.

Harmony sees me walk in and she smiles.

"Dada" She says and jumps in her bouncy chair.

"Hey baby girl" I smile to her and walk into the kitchen.

Julia stands at the stove making bacon and pancakes.

I smile and walk up behind her. I snake my arms around her waist and lay my chin on her shoulder.

"Your making breakfast?" I mumble into her ear.

"Mm hmm" She smiles and stirs around the bacon.

"You're so gorgeous" I mumble to her ear.

"Any girl that makes a guy food is considered gorgeous" She chuckles.

"Awe well that's a bonus" I smile and kiss her neck lightly.

"Okay well eat and then your going to the hospital, you have a CD signing at 4" She turns her head to me.

"Okay" I smile into her cheek and go back into the living room.

Harmony watches the TV intently and I hobble over to the couch and collapse on it.

She turns to my attention and lifts her arms up from her bouncy chair.

"Harmony I just sat down" I run my hands trough my hair.

She still holds her arms up and pouts.

"No Harmony" I shake my head.

She frowns and puts her arms down. Thank you.

She starts crying into her small hands in the next moment. I spoke to soon.

"Okay fine!" I sling up and walk over to her bouncy chair.

She pulls her face out of her hands and smile.

"Your such a brat with good acting skills" I mumble and pick her up.

She smile and I place her on the cushion next to me.

I cross my leg over the other so they both sling over the side of the couch and prop my head up wit my elbow on the top of the couch.

Harmony sits next to me an we both watch her children shows.

I few minutes go by until Julia walks in the living room and freezes in her tracks.

"No DNA test needed here.." She chuckles and snaps a photo on her phone.

"What?" I shake my head.

"Can you see your daughter?" She says.

I look over at Harmony sitting I the exact same position as I am.

"You are like your daddy aren't you?" I smile and look at her legs crossed and her head propped up by her elbow on the side of the couch.

"Can I post that on Twitter?" She chuckles and looks at her phone.

"No, I'm in nothing but tight underwear, I have some dignity you know" I shake my head.

"Okay, but I'm keeping the picture" She smiles and turns off her phone.

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