Chapter 18

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Julia storms out of the room with her shoes. I huff and look at the clock, 2:10pm.

We were up reeally late last night talking on the couch, The last time I saw the time before we fell asleep was like 2;30am. She was sleeping all day.

I on the otherhand was up at 10am to feed Harmony. She was out in the livingroom playing with her toys and watching TV until 1pm when she went down for her nap. She should be awake soon.

I take this quiet time to tidy up the toys scattered all over the floor. I grab all the cups and plates from the kitchen and load them in the dishwasher. When the didhwasher gets full I run it and start handwashing the ones that wouldnt fit. I never thought I would see so many sippy cups in a sink at once.

I hear a light knock at the door catching me by suprise. No one knocks on MY door anymore. I walk over with the sippy cup and drying towel in my hand.

I open the door and my face falls at the features that I'll never forget.

"Amanda?!" I widen my eyes. Her curled blonde hair has grown longer, but looks the same from the night I met her.

"Hey Louis" She scans my body and walks into the hotel.

I leave the door open and toss the sippy cup in the sink.

"What are you doing here!" My mind goes flooding with questions.

"I wanted to drop by. Someones been inked up since your 'X-factor' days" She look sat my arms and chest.

'Your not gonna just drop by! Your not suppose to be here!" I shout.

"Someones snappy! Wheres my daughter" She crosses her arms.

"She's not your daughter" I say.

"Excuse me, I have the stretch marks to prove it" She says annoyed.

"Well maybe bilogically you are, but emotionally your not." I glare.

"Hey! I tried okay! I couldn't raise her on my own! Your the one that left" She shouts.

"Oh you tried? Dropping her off on my doorstep was really trying Amanda! Do you know what you put her threw! Maybe you should of called the number I left you when I had to rush to my plane I was late for!"

"Oh this number!- Its the phone number to a grocery strore" She pulls out the paper I left for her almost 2 years ago.

I look at the phone number and I instantly feel horrible.

"That's suppose to be a 2. I was rushing. I'm so sorry" I mumble.

She throws her hands on her hips and looks over at the window in silence.

"This all would of been different Louis of you just woke me up" She wipes a tear disengaging from her eye.

"Amanda I'm sorry. I was in a rush to catch my plane and had absolute no time to explain anything. I left that number so I can keep in touch, I really liked you I wasn't gonna blow you off" I lower my voice.

She's been avoiding looking in my eyes since a year rolled down her face.

"Anyway, where is she? I want to see her" She sniffles and dries her eyes.

"You can't see her" I mumble.
I feel she's gonna stir things up again.
My mind is overflowing with everything that's happening right now.

"Louis this isn't a game-" I silence her.
"I know it isn't a goddam game Amanda! You can't come in and out of her life. It's awful enough what you did to her! I have full custody so I'm telling you to leave" I raise my volume slightly.

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