Chapter 28

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"This one" Julia points to the two story house on the right.

I nod nervously and pull into the driveway that already contains a big vehicle.

I put the car in park and shut it off.

"This is it" She grabs my hand as I slump back against the leather seat and take a breath, "Hey you need to relax! It's going to be fine. My parents are the most chill people ever" She says using American slang.

I shut my eyes and nod.

"Why are you getting so freaked about this?" She brushes her nimble thumb against my jaw line.

"I'm just a really awkward person and this is important to me. I don't want them to not like me and forbid me to see you" I mumble.

"Okay, well I don't know how this happens in England, but here in America we don't 'forbid'. And even if they did hate you, I'm old enough to date who I want" She arches her brow.

I plead a half smile and nod.

She really does know how to calm me down.

"Now are we gonna go in? Because Harmony is freaking out back there" She smiles and points to Harmony intensely looking out the windows wondering where she possibly is.

I smile and nod.

"Okay" I huff and unbuckle my seat belt.

"Good" She unbuckled her seatbelt and opens her passenger door.

I get out of the car to open Harmony's door in the back seat.

I open the door and Harmony sits anxiously wanting to get out of her car seat.

"Alright I'm coming" I chuckle and lean over to unbuckle her as she frantically moves her legs up and down.

I lift her out of her seat and grab the black diaper bag.

I shut the door with Harmony held up in my one arm and the duffle bag strap on my other shoulder.

As I shut the door she instantly starts whining for something.

"What?" I ask her.

She doesn't form any words she just murmurs and points at the car.

I look at the car window and see nothing but an empty backseat.

"I think she wants this" Julia walks around the car and holds up her bunny stuffed animal.

Harmony smiles and points to the bunny.

"Here you go hun" She hands her the ragged stuffed animal.

Harmony grabs it and smiles,

"It was thrown under the seat" Julia looks to me and says.

"You're so smart" l smile and peck her cheek.

"Alright let's go in" She smiles and grabs my free hand.

We walk to the white front door and Julia rings the silver doorbell.

After she presses it she turns her face to me.

"You're going to do just fine" She puckers her lips so I lean in and quickly peck them.

I look at Harmony sitting in my left arm in her little blue hat and tiny brown coat with brown 'Uggs'. I believed that's what their called according to Julia.

The door opens wide and their stands a bunch of people.

"Hi!" A smaller lady yells in excitement!

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