Chapter Five

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"Why don't you climb down off the roof sunshine so we can talk about this?" Travis coaxed. "Where did you put the ladder and we'll help you down."

"My name is not sunshine, it's Harley and I don't need your help down, thank you very much." She said in irritation, crossing her arms across her chest, she tapped her foot and gave them both an annoyed glare. At least she didn't stomp her foot this time, Travis thought. That's progress.

Brady and Travis were about to dismount when they noticed the dogs still surrounding them with nothing but pure bad-attitude. Deciding not to chance becoming their chew toy, Travis stayed with his ass firmly planted in the saddle. Kicking his mount into motion, he headed for the backside of the house.

Harley followed them along the porch roof line. "What are you doing" she asked after they made a full circle.

"Where's the damn ladder?" Travis asked.

"There isn't one."

"What do you mean there isn't one? How the hell did you get up there?" Travis was quickly starting to think his earlier thought of her being a few cards short of a full deck wasn't just a passing fancy.

"How do you think I got up her? I flew!" she said as she rolled her eyes at him.

"Beings that I don't see a broom, I highly doubt that sunshine." A shocked expression passed along Brady and Harley's faces for a moment before they both broke out in hysterics. Even Travis found himself chuckling along.

"What do you know, Mr. Asshole has a sense of humor," Harley said still giggling. The sparkle in her eyes combined with the warmth of her smile, made Travis start thinking of things he could do to keep them there.

"Okay, okay...enough goofing off. Seriously, how did you get up there?" he asked gruffly, uncomfortable with those kinds of warm fuzzy thoughts.

What did he care if she was kept happy or not for fucks sake. He needed to keep his brain focused on the issue which was to get this little imp off this property and out of his life. Not to mention, whether or not if there was a need for a cozy white coat with lots of buckles and a paddy wagon when it came to her.

"Over there," she pointed to the old oak tree towering over the house and sprawling across parts of the porch roof.

"You climbed a damn tree?" He couldn't keep the shock out of his voice even if he wanted to. Time to call the funny farm, they have a new recruit, he snorted to himself.

She rolled her beautiful eyes. "Yes daddy, I climbed the tree," Harley mocked. "Haven't you ever climbed a tree or did you lose a Y chromosome somewhere along the way?"

For the first time in his life, Travis was struck stupid. The wheels in his brain kept spinning, searching for a comeback, but the hamster had died of shock. All he could do was watch while she walked back over the pitch of the roof and down the other side.

Travis kicked his horse into a trot to keep up and make it around the corner to keep her in his eyesight. For her safety, of course, it had absolutely nothing to do with the way her ass swung back and forth. Yeah, you keep telling yourself that buddy and maybe one day you might believe it, he scoffed.

Brady soon joined him. "You need some salve, boss?" His smile grew large at Travis's obvious confusion. "Because you just got burned man."

"Shut up."

His attention reverted back to the roof. In a blink of an eye, she jumped up and swung herself on the lowest branch that hovered just a few feet above the porch. It was pure delight to watch her wiggle and waggle down the limb and his pent up frustration of being insulted quickly was replaced with a totally different kind of feeling. Never had Travis wanted to be closer to nature, as he wiped the sweat off his brow. Her tank top snagged a bit on the trunk as she made her way down and he was blessed with a generous view of cleavage.

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