Chapter Fifty-Two

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Travis wasn't shocked by her statement. He should have been stunned, taken aback by the mere thought of someone wanting to harm her, but the fact he wasn't only added to the fury brewing inside. It laid simmering under the surface of calm he was trying to convey. He couldn't be shocked, because he knew it was true. She wasn't telling him something he didn't already know, but hearing it come from her lips...hearing what she had to endure at the hands of some ruthless madman...almost crushed him. The fear she must have felt had to have been paralyzing. Not to mention the helplessness she endured watching some asshole set her barn on fire. It all had to have been terrifying. Yet, here she was, trying to console him. Gently reassuring him with her touch, when she had been the one who suffered...who had been in danger. He swallowed back a ball of acid which suddenly lurched up his throat from his churning stomach. The one who was still in danger. More so than any of them realized.

"Did the guy say anything else?" Travis asked, working hard to keep his tone composed when nothing but anger raged inside.

She narrowed her eyes, rubbing her forehead lightly as she thought about it. Her eyebrows scrunching up tight. "No...I don't think so." Letting out a heavy sigh, she turned in her seat to face him. Those astonishing violet eyes filled with worry, and were tainted with fear. "I'm sorry, Travis. I wish I could remember more, but it all happened so fast."

"Hey, you don't fret about that, sunshine. You've done more than anyone could expect." He desperately wanted to unclick her seatbelt, and bring her closer to his side so he could wipe the apprehension off her sweet face. "We'll get the assholes, I promise," he assured her firmly. Reaching down, he tangled his fingers with hers resting on his thigh, and gave her hand an encouraging squeeze.

"I know...but..." She seemed to want to say something more, but was reluctant to continue.

"But what?" A small fissure of fear cracked Travis's confidence. Could it be she didn't feel safe with him? Fuck. He hadn't taken it into consideration she might feel more comfortable having all of her family surrounding her after surviving such a traumatic event, and shit...that didn't sit well with him at all. He wanted to be the one to rescue her, the one she ran to. The one to keep her safe. Dammit, as selfish as it sounded, it was the truth. He wanted to be the only knight in shining armor in her life.

During her time in the hospital, and through the many...many...many arguments he'd participated in with the Gypsy Rose clan, he'd come to one conclusion. They all loved her deeply. As annoying as they were, each and every man on that ranch only wanted what was best for Harley. And Travis couldn't be jealous about their devotion to protecting someone they considered their family, but that didn't mean he was about to step aside, and let them drive this fucked up crazy train they found themselves strapped to.

"I don't understand why," she finally said. "Why would anyone want to kill me?" A tiny sob broke from her lips, but she bravely fought it back with a hard swallow, and sharp shake of her head. "I haven't done anything to make someone hate me so much they'd resort to murder and arson. Hell, I haven't even lived here for a full year yet!"

The frank, raw note in her voice surprised him, and made Travis realize just how much she was holding back. Before she turned to face the window once more, he got a glimpse of the terrified woman beneath the brave exterior she'd been portraying to everyone around her. His heart broke for her, and it frustrated him to know there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it.

One of the things they had all agreed upon the night before her release, was to keep Harley in the dark as much as possible of what they believed was truly happening. Ethan thought it would do more harm than good if she knew the truth, and he didn't want to scare the hell out of her needlessly. Besides, he had argued, at this point everything was only a suspicion. If Rafferty caught wind they were on to him, then the case they were building would be in jeopardy. Bo and the boys vehemently disagreed with Ethan, but were on board with keeping her on a need to know bases for her own safety. They weren't overly concerned about traumatizing her as much as they feared her taking off to serve retribution on her own. Bo was absolutely adamant Harley not get anywhere near the asshole. And Travis...fuck...he was stuck sitting pretty in the middle.

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