Chapter Sixty-Two

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Travis watched as Harley's whole demeanor changed right before his eyes. It was like watching blinds being slowly pulled inside those amazing eyes of hers. Where they generally sparkled bright enough to rival fireworks lightening up a darkened sky, they now seemed dulled with uneasiness and tension. He couldn't quite place his finger on it, but something was seriously bothering her, and it had to be more than just the parking situation.

A tiny niggle of guilt crept into his subconscious, and he stubbornly shoved it aside. Yes, he had stretched the truth a little, but it was a harmless lie. The Golden Creek boys had agreed to exchange spots with him, but only after he coughed up enough dough for Gabe Harper to buy the prized cow he'd been eyeing for months. The gruff owner laughed his ass off all the way to the bank at Travis's expense, but the money and ribbing that went along with it meant nothing. Not when it came to Harley's safety. When it came to her, he would have paid twice as much if necessary. She might be a tad suspicious of his motives, but he knew Harley. Something as trivial as where he parked his rig would hardly cause her to practically ooze apprehension. Besides, she said she didn't want to team up with him. She didn't say anything about him parking next to her.

Travis's mind continued to chew on her sudden odd reactions. Maybe it was the bickering between him and her boys that were adding to her nerves. It was true; he had succumbed to his more immature mentality when it had come to Cade and Tanner provoking him. He wasn't necessarily proud of himself or his behavior, but dammit...those two could test the patience of Job.

His eyes traveled over to Harley who was busily pinning Tanner's number on the back of his shirt, her gaze met his, but then just as quickly, moved away. Somehow he doubted his little squabble with the guys was the reason behind her sudden change of behavior. After all, she dealt with those boys on a daily basis and was used to the constant bickering. It had to be something else.

Had Rafferty somehow managed to get to her? Travis looked around at the crowds of people milling around, some he recognized, some he didn't, but none of them were from Rafferty's camp. He sucked in a frustrated breath. This was bullshit. There was only one way to figure out what the hell was going on, and that was to ask her. Stomping over to Harley, he grabbed her by the elbow and led her to the front of her pickup, out of ear shot.

"What do you want?" she huffed.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No? Why?"

Damn. Harley had technically answered him, but the words came out quick and sharp, and she was still avoiding looking directly at him.

"Oh, I don't know, sunshine. Maybe because since I pulled in, you've been dealing a lot of cold shoulder my way." He didn't mean for his voice to sound as bitter and accusing as it did, but it slipped out anyway. Taking a steadying breath, he tried again. "Tell me what's bothering you so I can fix it."

Finally, she looked up at him, but her stare was stony. "I'm fine," she snapped, jerking her arm out of his grasp. "I don't need you fixing anything, cowboy."

"You don't seem fine," he fired back just as swiftly. "We can sit here and bicker back and forth all damn day, or you can stop acting like a child and tell me what's bothering you." The minute the words came out of his mouth, he regretted them when Harley stepped back, looking as if he had struck her. But, his shock was short lived before anger narrowed her eyes and flushed her cheeks.

"You want to know what's bothering me? You are!" she hissed. "Why don't you go tell Diego some morbid stories about a rogue bull that guts people for shits and giggles? And then, when you're through with that, you can sit Bo and Cade down and tell them the perils of calf roping and how many people have died." She wrapped her arms over her chest and stuck out a booted foot, tapping it irritably on the ground. "In fact, since you seem to enjoy messing with people's minds, why stop there. You have my full attention, why not try and scare me to death by recanting some tales of horror about the dangers of barrel racing? Oh, wait! Never mind. I've already lived it."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2017 ⏰

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