Chapter Twenty-One

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Travis was still chortling as he came around the corner of the feed store. If there was one thing Desi Louvian was famous for, besides providing an excellent argument, it was her infamous stubbornness to never concede defeat. There was no doubt in his mind, she would hike up one of those miniskirts she was famous for and jump in a saddle if it meant she could prove him wrong. Just picturing the gothic menace on a horse was enough to send him into another round of deep belly laughter.

"Dayum boss, I think you need to keep that gal if she has this kind of an effect on you." Brady walked up and slapped him on the back. "I take it everything is okay with Miss Stewart?"

Travis snorted. "Harley's fine. She, Desi and Becca are scheming away as we speak."

Brady's eyes popped wide. "That doesn't bode well for whoever they are scheming against."

"Not who...what." Travis chuckled. "They were coming up with a plan to get Harley into the Rancher's Rodeo."

His hand gave him a confused look. Probably the same look he sported when he first heard about it. "She doesn't have a ranch," Brady said, taking his hat off and scratching his head.

"I said the same thing, but...," he shrugged. "Apparently, Desi and Becca are going to be her hands." He cocked an eyebrow at Brady.

"Desi?" Brady barked before both cowboys started laughing. "Oh God. I'm getting a front row seat for that," he said between gasps for breath

"I think all of Wolf Springs will come out to see that spectacle." Travis grinned.

"And you said Becca was part of this plan?"


"I didn't know she could ride," Brady muttered in surprise.

"'d probably would know a little bit more about her if you'd stop dragging your feet and ask the girl out already." Travis snorted.

"Look who's talking." Brady snipped. "Up until Harley came into town, you were about as social as Attilla the Hun."

Travis chuckled. "True, but you're supposed to learn from my mistakes...not make the same damn ones."

Brady grinned, lowering the brim of his hat to hide his blush. "You know what they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."

Travis pitched him the bird. "Imitate that, dickhead."

"No thanks, boss. I've got two of my own," Brady drawled, shooting both middle fingers at him.  "Can you hang here for a minute? I need to make a quick run over to the post office? I told Addie this morning I would pick her up some stamps and with all the excitement this afternoon, I almost forgot." At Travis's nod, he loped off around the corner and down the street.

Travis leaned against the side of the truck and glanced back in the direction he had just come from. He had to fight the urge to go look around the corner to see if she was still there. Brady wasn't kidding about the effect that little filly had on him.

Ever since he had run into her, she'd taken over his thoughts. He found himself thinking about her at random times throughout the day, not to mention how often his mind wandered to thoughts of her at night. And not just for typical male lusty reasons. Although, he had certainly entertained a vast array of sensual fantasies which starred her "Dangerously Delicious" body.

As much as he enjoyed those moments, he also spent a great deal of time wondering what she was doing, if she was safe and if she was happy or if she was lonely out on the ranch all by herself. Most importantly, he thought about when he would see her again. What really shocked the shit out of him was that he actually craved her attention almost as much as he desired her body.

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