Chapter 1

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I woke up early in excitement. Why do you ask? It all started a few months ago.

Mum yelled at me to get in to the kitchen. I groan "fine, I'm coming give me a minute" I turned off my music and walked down stairs, where mum had a folder with pictures of a tropical island. I tilted my head to the side and wondered why she has those things "Lauren, Abbie, Your dad and I have been planning a holiday for a while now. I thought it would be good."

"OH where too?" I asked

"The Bahamas"

I couldn't believe this. Abbie started screaming in my ear, grabbing my arms and jumping up and down since her favourite band The Wanted will be there the same time us. How does she know this? Then I reminded myself 'Oh she has twitter dah'

I ran upstairs, grabbed my phone and dialled Jordan's number "Hey Jordan you never guess what just happened?" I screamed into my phone

"Please don't tell me it's about The Collective"

"No, I promise it isn't but Mum just told me and Abbs that we're going to the Bahama's. And you know how Abbie is in love with The Wanted, well they're going to be there at the same time as us"

"OH MY GOD REALLY. I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU. When do you leave? Which Hotel are you staying at?"

"We leave in 2 months but I know it's going to take for ever for that time to come but I'm so excited. Imagine if The Collective are going to be there, but I highly doubt they will be there. I don't know what hotel we're staying at but mum said it's one of the best there"

"I agree with you they probably aren't going to be there. Seriously Lauren I'm so happy for you. I know you'll have the best time for sure"

"It would so cool there. I'm so excited to sunbake, check out all the good looking guys there. I wish you were coming with me Jordan"

"I wish too. I'm going to go get ready for school. Mum's cooked breakfast again. I'll see you at school"

I got ready to go to school when I finished talking to Jordan. I got into the school gate I really didn't want to be here. I didn't want to face up to anyone but I was excited to tell Jordan about the holiday. I saw Jordan she ran up to me and started screaming "OMG how long are you going for? When are you leaving?"

"We are going for a month and a half so hopefully I don't miss out on too much school. Oh well if I do. We leave in two months' time, remember?"

"Wow why so long"

"Don't know but mum wants us to have fun"

"So you miss out on how many weeks of school?"

"4 weeks"


"I know, I know but mum knows we need a break from everything"

We walked to our lockers smiling at each other. Jordan was telling me about the guy she likes. He walks past us and I could she was going red. I started giggling "Ladies get to class" a teacher told us while walking past. We got our books out of our lockers and giggled all the way to class.

~One month before ~

It was one month before I left to the Bahama's I was getting excited. I was on twitter in class because I was bored as usual. I wasn't expecting anything to happen but when I checked my followers to check if anyone interesting was following me, when I saw that Jayden Sierra from The Collective started following me. I started crying I was in a complete mess. "Lauren are you ok?" My teacher asked me.

Jordan looked at my phone "It's ok sir, her favourite member of The Collective just followed. I'll take her out" I could hear the others in my class laughing at me. I didn't think it was funny at all.


She started laughing at me but she looked so happy that he followed me. As I stopped crying and fan girling over it I walked back in to class. My eyes were red and sore. The students looked at me weirdly but who cares I was happy. My teacher didn't look to impressed either

Later that night I sent Jayden a Direct Message

"Hi Jayden, I'm a big fan of you. Thank you so much for following me earlier today. It means the world to me"

A few hours later he replied to me "Hey Lauren its ok, Enjoy the rest of your night"

I got up out of my chair ran into Abbie's room grabbed on to her shirt and started shaking her "OH MY GOD ABBS JAYDEN JUST REPLIED TO MY DM. ARE YOU HAPPY FOR ME?"

"Um who's Jayden? Oh is that your favourite from The Collective"


She pushed me off her and kicked me out of her room. She slammed the door loudly so mum and dad could hear. As soon as I got back into my room I had to call Jordan. She was so happy for me. I really couldn't believe this. This is one of the best days of my life.

I was sitting in history class the next day when I was on twitter when Jayden Sierra tweeted "One month to go" I showed Jordan the tweet but I didn't know what was happening. I thought it was the time when their next album came out. I also checked my mentions to see that Jayden had tweeted me "Hey I hope you're ok from yesterday"

I started screaming and had to walk out of the class. Is this really happening? Two days in a row. Seriously?

When I got home that afternoon mum told me what hotel we were staying at. We were staying at the Sheraton Nassau Beach Resort. I got on my computer and goggled it. WOW it looks so good. I'm starting to look forward to this hotel. I turned on The Collective and started dancing around my room "LAUREN turn it down I'm trying to listen to The Wanted" Abbie yelled

"You listen to them all the time loudly so it's my turn to listen to The Collective loudly."

She didn't look happy but I got my way. I was doing homework when mum walked in "Have you done any work yet?"

"Yes I have"

"I heard what happened today at school"

I was hoping she wasn't going to be mad at me but she was "How dare you be on twitter while in class and especially walk out of class in such an important time"

"But mum we were all talking and I was bored so I had to walk out. It's not fair that Abbie gets too and I don't. How is it fair to Abbie that she doesn't get into trouble and I do"

"That's not an excuse. If it happens again you're not going on the holiday. Got it?. Don't bring your sister into this situation"

"Yes mum"

I got my phone and had to tell Jordan what mum has just said. "She really said that?"

Yeah I know. It sucks"

"I'll see you at school tomorrow :)"

I got back to my homework. This is boring why am I even at school I could be a professional stalker the way I'm going. Mum kept putting her head in my room to check if I was doing my homework. I was starting to get a bit frustrated that she didn't believe me that I was doing my homework. I walked down stairs into the living room away from my computer so she wouldn't have to keep checking on me. I finally finished my homework just before dad finished cooking tea.

Holiday in Heaven ~Jayden Sierra storyWhere stories live. Discover now