Chapter 5

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~ Day 2~

~Jayden's POV~

We landed in the Bahama's finally. When the boys and I got off the plane there were a few fans there waiting for us? It was a huge surprise that there were some fans here and wanted to meet them. We stayed at the airport for a while before Zach told us that we needed to go. My heart sunk that we had to leave but we told the girls where we are staying so if they want to meet up they're always welcome.

While walking out we saw a large group of fans. I was getting scared. I didn't want them to hurt me. We had security surrounding us but it wasn't helping fans we attacking us left, right and centre. I was freaking out. Thankfully we got rushed into our bus and we were off to the hotel. I could see that Trent was getting egger to get out and go down the beach. I was more excited about meeting The Wanted.

~Lauren's POV~

I got up early this morning so I could have a surf. I got out the door and I found Max sitting down waiting for me. He looked up at me and jumped up. "Lauren I have a surprise for you. Don't say anything"

He grabbed my hand and took me down to the lobby where Nathan and Tom where standing there with a surf board in their hand. "Lauren we know how much surfing means to you and we both know that you don't have a good surf board so we decided last night after you and Abbie left that we should go get you one"

I started to smile and hugged all three, I quickly glanced at Max to see him smiling at me then Nathan elbowed him. He couldn't stop smiling at me. It was cute but I didn't really like him the same way as he does with me. Just as I left I felt a hand on my shoulder. I spun around trying not to hit anyone with the surf board and it was Abbie. What was she doing up so early. She told me she wanted to come with me but I didn't want her there with me. She only wanted to be there because Siva and Tom where going to be on the beach at that time and she wanted to show her skills off but I really didn't want her to be there. I ended up surfing at sunrise. It was great. There were a pod of dolphins that surrounded me. It was truly amazing to be there. I was just about to catch a wave with some guy took the wave. I paddled on my board towards him to realise who it was.

It was Max. I yelled at him "Why did you cut me off. That's been the best wave all day"

"I need to tell you something"

"Can we talk later?"

"No now please"

"But I haven't finished"

I could see that he wasn't happy. I gave in and we went back to the shore we sat down next to each other. He sat really close to me. I smiled but I was really confused at what he wanted to tell me "I was talking to Abbie just after you left last night and she told me something she found out"

I tilted my head to the side "What is it?"

"It's about The Collective. I promised Abbie I wouldn't tell you"


"Sorry but I can't you'll have to find out yourself"

"If you're not going to tell me then why did you want to talk to me in the first place?"

"I don't know"

I was actually starting to like Max more than I was with Jayden but now I don't think so. I ran back into the water with my surf board. I was really angry. How could he do that to me?

I didn't want to be talked to by anyone. I walked back to the hotel. I saw him. I continued walking to the lift. He didn't bother. Once I got to my room mum asked me if I wanted to go snorkelling with her and dad I didn't want to tell her I was angry so I had to say yes. I got back into my bikini's and headed down stairs

~Abbie's POV~

I woke up early because I knew that Lauren was going surfing early and she told me that she swam with dolphins yesterday. She didn't want me there because she thought that I wanted to be with Siva and Jay. It's kind of true but I wanted to spend some time with her and learn something new. Instead I went Atlantis. As I was walking there Siva noticed I was alone. He came over to me, he asked me where I was going "Atlantis waterslides"

"How are you getting there?"


"So you're going alone. I can't let you go. I'll come with you"

I screamed. As if Siva wanted to come with me. I was so excited. I didn't want to tell Lauren because she'll want to come. It was a long day swimming and going down waterslides all day when I got back to the room and we went to go have a few drinks together.

~Trent's POV~

At last we had arrived. I couldn't wait to get down to the beach and have a surf with Jayden. Once we got to the hotel I dumped my bags in the room and had a look around the hotel for a bit. I was so tired though I went back to the room to go asleep for a bit. I soon realised I had slept for over 12 hours.

~Day 3~

~Lauren's POV~

I was still really angry at Max. I didn't want to leave the room. When I rolled over I noticed that Abbie wasn't there. I was freaking out. Lucky I knew the room number The Wanted where staying in. I rung the number and Jay picked up "Is Abbs there?"

"Who's this"


"I don't know, hold on I'll check for you, Yeah she's here"

I hung up and went back to sleep. Later that day I didn't surf but I did go down to the beach to sun bake. As I was sunbaking in the quiet I heard this group of guys. I didn't bother looking but I heard a voice that was very similar to Jayden's. I look up to find that it's The Collective. I jumped up and down screaming at the top of my lungs when they came over to me to see if I was ok. I started to cry. Jayden gave me a hug. He sat me down and the boys where sitting around me. I really couldn't believe that The Collective where in the Bahama's. I asked them what hotel they were stay at when Zach told me that they were staying at the same as me, I screamed again. I couldn't believe it. They sun-baked next to me all day when they walked me back to the hotel.

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