Chapter 21

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It was New Years Eve. I wanted to go out but mum and dad wanted to take me the Big Bash League. 'Boring, I know' it was also too hot go outside. I didn't want to go any where. "Lauren come on We're going"

"I'm coming, give me a minute" I rushed to get everything. It know I forgotten something but ran downstairs get in the car.

"Who's playing tonight?" I asked dad

"Sydney Sixers and the Adelaide Strikers"

"What colours are they? and what team do you think I should go for"

"Pink and the dark blue, you're going for the sixers since its their home game"

"What if I want to go for Adelaide?"

"You can go forever you want Lauren but if you go for the Strikers you're going to be the odd one out"

"I don't really care if I am" I felt me phone vibrate in my pocket and got it out to see it was Jayden.

"Hey Babe are you doing anything tonight. If you're not want to go to the cricket with the boys and I?"

"Hey I'm going to the cricket to....." Before I could finish of the text Abbie took my phone out of my hand and read Jayden's text to mum.

"Mum Lauren wants to go out with Jayden again"

"Lauren, you are not going out with him tonight you're spending time with us"

"Mum Jayden asked if I was doing anything tonight and he wanted to know if I wanted to go to the cricket with me and the other 4 boys"

"You can spend a bit of time with him but you need to spend some time with us as a family and plus I didn't even get to reply to him because Abbie took my phone off me before I got too"

"Abbie give your sister her phone back" She loudly let out a sigh and gave me my phone back. I gave her a little smile before I continued replied to Jayden.

"Hey I'm going to the cricket too but with the family. Mum will only let me spend a small amount of time with you, If you still want to catch up. Dad got tickets in the public area so if you do too we can try and sit next to each other so I cant have the family time and spend some time with you?"

I didn't get a reply for ages until we got to the cricket ground "Yea We're in the public area. Tell your mum when you get to your seat that you're going to find me then we can sit next to each other. Hopefully we wont be any trouble for you. We're just about there. About 5 minutes so tell me when you get there and to your seat"

"We're there now so just meet me at gate 2 and then we'll work from there. So text me when you're there. Cant wait to see you again"

"Yeh sure. I can't wait either. The others cant wait either :)" I started smiling like an idiot before Abbie elbowed me.

As we got into the stadium there were so many people here and it was so early. This game must be a sell out. There were so many people that were walking around in pink tops, hats, wigs, had pink paint on their faces and pink clappers. Dad was right I am the odd one out but oh well I'll still go for the Strikers. Mum and dad chose our seats. luckily for us there weren't very many people around us so I quickly saved some seats for the boys "I'm going to see Jayden now" I said to dad

"Ok just be quick" I got up and went to the gate and saw the boys there. I ran to Jayden without trying to make myself standout

"Jayden, JAYDEN, OVER HERE" he walked my way as the others looked over to us. I couldn't stop smiling. I hugged him as he gave me a hug back and kissed my cheek softly. The others came over

"So where are we sitting?" Bree asked holding Julian's hand

"Come with me" I managed to keep the group together. I saw in the corner of my eyes that Jayden was smiling. He must be so happy as well.

"Hey Lauren" Trent spoke from the back of the group

"Yes Trent"

"Who are you going for tonight?"

"The Strikers, Why?"

"Why them?" Zach interrupted

"I don't know. Dad said they where blue and that seemed like a cool team to go for. Like Come on its Adelaide"

"You're going to be the odd one out you do realise"

"Yes I know that's what dad told me" We got to the seats

"Mum, dad, Abbie I hope you don't mind the boys sitting with us. Its a win/win situation for me. Mum I know you want to have family time but I also want to sit next to Jayden, so I thought I could combined it" Their faces looked shocked especially mums.

"Um fine just don't make to much noise"

"Lauren are you doing anything after the game?" Jayden asked

"No, why do you ask?"

"Do you want to go to the fireworks on the harbour afterwards. I know we wont get very good spots but we can see them anyway" I could see Abbie wasn't going to be too happy.

"Yeah. Why not."

"LAUREN you know if you go I have to go with you" Abbie said. I looked at her angry. I'm so over her wanting to do everything with me.

"Fine, just don't be annoying, don't speak and stay away from Jayden and I. Got it?"

"Done deal" I looked at him and gave him a sorry look but I don't think he would mind,

~After the Game~

I knew it the Strikers win. There weren't much cheering for them but I was so happy "Told you dad the Strikers would win"

"Yes Lauren you were right" Dad said.

"Do you want to go now?" Jayden said "Abbie there is space in Trent's car if you want to go with him"

"Ok" She said. I'm surprised she didn't complain. Maybe tonight was the night where she let Jayden and I have some time alone together.

We got to the harbour. All I could think was wow there are so many people here. Jayden and I got a spot and the others followed. I could see that Abbie was feeling awkward. I didn't do anything, I just let her have that feeling. The count down started "10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1 HAPPY NEW YEAR" Everyone shouted

Jayden looked at me before he put his lips against mine. This was my first new years kiss. It felt good "Happy new year Lauren"

"Happy new year" He put his arms around me as we watched the fireworks go off.

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