Chapter 17

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I woke up early and noticed that Zach was the only one up and making himself some breakfast. It smelt so good. I could hear my stomach growl loudly so I had to go in the kitchen and get some of what Zach was cooking. He offered me some. It was so god. I thanked him as Jayden walked in and gave me a hug. I smiled.

I gave mum a text to ask her the new address and Jayden thought he could take me instead of going by public transport. I got my stuff and walked out the door saying good bye to the others before I shut the door and got into Jayden's car. I looked out the window and wished I was back in Melbourne. I miss Jordan and want her to be with me. I miss knowing where we where. this is annoying me.

Jayden and I got to the new house. I saw Abbie standing in the living room. That's what I thought it was. She was just staring at me with her hands crossed. Jayden and I both got out the car. "Lauren I'll get your stuff go inside and see your new room, ok"

"OK thanks for that Jayden. I really do appreciate it" I shut went in and took a deep sigh.

I walked into the house as dad greeted. he pointed out the way to my room, then went outside to help Jayden with my bags. I heard quietly "I hate you" coming from where Abbie was standing. I stopped, then turned around and walked straight to her "What did you just say to me"

"Nothing why"

"you know exactly what you just said, just admit it you don't want me with Jayden" Abbie just grabbed my hair and started pulling me around the house as I screamed for help. I then felt her fist against my nose. Jayden, mum and dad came up and tried to get her off me but she just kept going.

~Jayden's POV~

I heard screaming coming from the lounge from of Laurens house and rushed to where it was coming from. I saw that Abbie had Laurens hair. Seriously what is her problem. Whatever it is, it's getting pretty out of hand and I'm over it. It happened when we where in the Bahama's and now here at home. I think its because of me. I'm tearing up a family. I grabbed Lauren as her parents grabbed Abbie. Her parents yelling "ABBIE GET OFF YOU SISTER"

Finally she let go of her. Lauren crumbled to the floor in tears as Abbie got taken to her room. I wanted to leave but I was more worried if Lauren was going to be ok. Her parents came out. They looked at me like I had to leave. I started to leave as Lauren got up "Jayden come back her. Please don't leave me" She sobbed.


"But nothing" her mum said

"Jayden ever since you two have been spending time together its be rough and I don't think Lauren should she you anymore" Lauren ran to her room crying. I had a tear rolling down my eye and quickly wiped it off.

"Ok I want see her anymore but if she wants to see me you cant stop her" I walked out felling really down.

~Lauren's POV~

hearing my dad say that to Jayden made me feel even worse. My nose was bruised and swollen. My head was thumping harder and harder every time I thought about it. I couldn't deal with this any more. Abbie was the problem not Jayden. How do I tell mum and dad about that. I heard a knock on my door "Honey I know its been a tough couple of weeks for you with school and moving but we need to talk about your new school"

"I don't want to talk about that now. Do you not just remember what just happened about 5 minutes ago. Obviously not. GO AWAY"

"Lauren how dare you say that to me. We're only protecting you"

"Jayden was the only person I could have fun with, now you, dad and Abbie have taken that away from me. I'm allowed to be angry about that. now go away."

"If you want to stay in this house you have to get a job by the way"

Seriously did mum just have to say that to me. I feel worse now. I cant see Jayden, Jordan's not here and the only person that I can talk to is Max. But what if he has forgotten me already or doesn't want to talk or see me again. What if I get Siva to be friends with Abbie then I'll get to see Jayden. I don't know what to do. I just laid there tears still rolling down my eyes.

My phone went off. I saw Jayden's name come up "Hey Lauren I know you're upset and don't ever want to talk to me but I have to say this. just before I left yours I told your parents that if you ever want to see me they cant stop you from seeing me but as you know I cant see you. I hope to see you again. If you're angry at me I understand. I hope everything works out with you and Abbie. xoxo" I just felt like I was happy again.

~A weeks time~

I applied for a job at dominos pizza. Hopefully I will get that job. I haven't been outside the house with anyone for the past week. I still know no one apart from The Collective and their girl friends. I heard my phone was ringing and it was by a number I didn't know. It might be dominos about the job. I picked it up "Hello"

"Its this Lauren?"

"yes it is"

"Hi this is David from Dominos. Im calling about the job you applied for earlier this week."


"I would like to inform you that you have been successful but we need you to come in for an interview before we can do anything. Is that ok for you?"

"Yes that is."

"When are you avalible to come in?"

"Next week some time"

"How about Monday of next week at 12:30?"

"Ok, I'll see you then"

"Thank you Lauren. I'll see you then"

I ran down stairs to mum to tell her the news. see was so happy for me. She thought that we can go out for dinner that night to celebrate. It was really good, even Abbie was nice to me for a change. Maybe mum told her that see wouldn't be able to see The Wanted when they come to Sydney. Oh well. I'm just going to enjoy this moment.

It finally came to Monday. I was so nervous about the interview. What if I stuff it up or even worse they don't want me. I arrived at Domino's. I met David the Manager. I gulped and tried to not look nervous. After the interview he gave me paper work which meant I got the job. I couldn't believe it. My first actually job. I was so excited to start. I got my phone out of my bag, went straight to Jayden's name and was about to call him but decided not so I called Jordan instead "Jordan I just got a job"



"Really why there?"

"Umm because that's what I wanted. I thought you would be happy for me"

"I am happy. I got to go. I'll call you later ok."


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