Chapter 13

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I was in my room finishing of unpacking my bag when I heard a knock on the door "come in" I didn't heard anyone talk so I just continued to un pack. I felt two hands on my waist. I turned around to see it was Jordan. My smile grew wider. I out my arms around her "JORDAN" I yelled

"LAUREN" she yelled back to me as she hugged me again "what happened between you and Jayden when you left"

"It's a long story"

"Then start telling me about it now then"

I started to tell her what happened between us. As we were walking down the stairs to go get something for breakfast I heard Abbie's door open. Jordan looked at me "Lauren, Jordan what are you two talking about?"

"That's nothing you need to know" I spoke as I turned my head towards Jordan. We both giggled softly and contained walking down towards the kitchen. Mum was making us pancakes. Abbie came down and sat next to me looking happy "mum guess who called me this morning?"

"I don't know? Siva?" Abbie screamed in excitement

"You're so excited about it" Jordan said and Abbie scream with a yes.

"Come on Girls eat your breakfast before it gets cold" mum said. Jordan and I got our bags and walked out the door. "So on the last night we where there jayden asked me to go to the ball as his date and of course I had to say yes"

"Whoa he wanted you as his date? You're so lucky"

"I know"

"Didn't you tell me you and Max George got close?"

"Yeah but I got closer with Jayden"

"Have you even kept in contact with Max?"

"I haven't spoken to him since the day he left but I did get a text from him the other day just before we board saying he misses me. I don't know what to tell him I don't want a relationship with him" we got into the schools car park to find Sean and his group of friends standing around laughing

"Have they done anything bad lately" I ask Jordan

"Not that I can think of" we walked past them and Sean yelled out "have you met your so called boyfriend Jayden yet Lauren?" Laughing loudly with his friends. I didn't reply because I didn't want to start anything.

I don't know why I liked him from the start. He's become mean and not nice to me anymore. He walked up to Jordan and I looking back at his friends with a smirk on his face "you ignored me, why?"

"I don't want to start a fight and plus I have seen you in over a month how would you know if I met Jayden or not"

"You'll never meet him" I pulled out my phone and showed him my background of Jayden and I. "So I'll never meet Jayden, hey" he went quiet. Jordan and I walked away and went to history.

I heard my phone go off and saw it was max. He texted me how much he misses our time together and that he's coming to Melbourne later that year. As I was in class I didn't bother texting back and Sean went off at me "ohhhh is that your boyfriend"

The teacher gave me a look like how do I have a boyfriend let alone some one from a boy band "firstly Sean, Jayden is not my boyfriend and yes we got close when I was on holiday but we are not together and secondly stop asking me if I've met him. Clearly I did since I showed you the photo of myself and Jayden" the whole class looked at me.

"Is it true that you're also dating Max from the wanted?"


"Lauren go to the principals office NOW" my teacher said. I got my stuff and walked towards to principals office. He walked out of his office.

"Lauren hi what are you doing here?"

"Mr fisher sent me here"

"Ok come in. Tell me what happened"

"Well it all started this morning when Sean Russell started asking me if I had met my boyfriend and he kept continuing it in history and I couldn't deal with the stuff he kept saying and I had a go at him"

"You know the school rules but since this is the first time you've done this I'm letting you go. Don't do it again. Get back to class"


Now that Lauren and her family have left it doesn't feel right with out her. Tonight isn't going to be the same without her. The boys and I got in the cab and left. I was looking out the window and I felt someone out their arms around me then I saw it was Keeda. She noticed I wasn't happy.

Once I got to the entertainment centre there where screaming girls running after us. I could see the faces of the boys girlfriends that they where getting worried and that they where rushed inside while us guys stayed outside to sign stuff and take photos with them.

"Jayden you don't look like your happy self like usual" one of the girls spoke

"Really I look sad to you"

"Yeah. Where's that girl you've been hanging out with?"

"Gone back home" I looked down and sighed.

We went inside and started getting ready and warmed up. We got on stage. Everyone there was screaming and it brought a smile to my face and look to the side of the stage and realised that Lauren was there and Bree made a heart with her fingers. I knew if Lauren was there she would being doing that.

Later that night I had to give Lauren a call "hey Lauren are you busy at the moment?"

"I was doing one work but that can wait until later. What have you been up to lately?"

"The boys had a concert tonight but it was our last one"

"How did it go?"

"It was ok but it wasn't the same without you" I heard someone start talking to her then realised it was Abbie. I thought I would be nice and say hi to her but she wasn't to happy.

"I better let you go"

"Ok oh and when do you come back to Australia?"


Holiday in Heaven ~Jayden Sierra storyWhere stories live. Discover now