Chapter 20

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~Jayden's POV~

"Tahlia hurry up PLEASE"

"Fine. I'M COMING" she let out a sigh. I guess she didn't really want to be coming. I wanted to get down to Bondi quickly but Tahlia wanted me to go the long way. It was a nice drive. As we arrived I couldn't see Lauren up on the Broadway.

"She must be still in the water" I thought to myself. Tahlia and I didn't really talk much walking down to the sand. It felt weird because we usually always talk to each other. I found Laurens stuff close to the shore and sat down. "Jayden which one is she" Tahlia asked.

"Do you see the girl in the black and pink wetsuit?"

"Yeah that's her"

"Oh wow she can surf" She caught a wave and came in to see us sitting with her stuff.

"Hi Jayden" She looked over at Tahlia

"This is Tahlia, my best friend. We've been best friends since primary school"

"Hi nice to meet you Lauren"

"You too. How long have you guys been here for?"

"About 10 minutes. We noticed your stuff while we were walking so we decided to sit next to it"

"Ok" She took her wetsuit of and put her towel around her.

~Lauren's POV~

I looked at Tahlia. "WOW" is all I thought. I packed my stuff up and put my board in its bag. I headed up to café we where going when Jayden asked "So when you do you have to go back to school?"

"I don't know. Mum hasn't told me that yet"

"I thought you had finished school?" Tahlia asked

"I was meant to finish this year but my mum made the family move the family up here which made me have to do year 12 again"

"Oh that sucks"

"Yeah it does"

"Do you want to put your board in my car?"

"Yes thanks Jayden" As we walked to the car 2 guys in their teens ran past us, a few seconds after there where more guys in blue were running past us after them. It was crazy the guys where yelling then I realised that the guys had stolen stuff off the beach. We stopped and looked around confused.

One of the lifeguards came over and "Do you know what happened?"

"Um no we were just going to our car" Jayden spoke

"I know who you are, you're Harries" I didn't reliase that was loud when everyone turned around and looked at me.

"Yep I am" the 3 of us got a photo with Harries before we went to the car and walked back to the café.

The rest of the day went really quick. It was really good t catch up with Jayden again.


Sorry for the really short chapter. I kinda ran out of ideas for it.


Holiday in Heaven ~Jayden Sierra storyWhere stories live. Discover now