Chapter 12

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Today was the day Mum, dad, Abbie and I left the Bahama's. To be honest I was kinda glad that we were leaving so I don't have to Abbie on my back about The Collective. Last night was a great last night here. It was amazing. I woke up extra early just to go for my last surf here. The water was really cold this morning and it wasn't that nice but I got to swim with the dolphins again. I was the only one that was in the water before sunrise when some of the locals came out and joined me. I swam back to shore to lay down for a bit before waxing my board.

As I sat down on my towel to wax my board, I saw Jayden walking along the beach by himself. I yelled to him. He sat next to me looking sad "Lauren I don't want you to go home. What if we never see each other again?"

"When you come to Melbourne we'll catch up"

"But what if it's for one day though"

"Then we'll have to catch up and I'll come to your concerts and make sure I'm front row so you can see me" He looked down at me and he put his arms around me.

"Don't worry we will meet up again, you have my number and if you need a catch just call me ok" I giggled at him and he got up "I better go now the boys are having another concert and got rehearsals. It's not going to be the same without you there fan girling over us"

"There's always back in Australia"

"But it's not here. We have more fans there and there won't be as much time with us spending time together without fans bugging us"

I got up, put my board under my arm and started heading for the water before I turned around "Our flight leaves at 1. Come to the airport" and ran into the water. The water was warmer as the sun came out and the clouds moved away.

I saw mum, dad and Abbie come on to the beach and sit by my stuff. They've never seen me surf. They've always wondered if I could and here's a great day to show them that I can but to do it right I had to ignore them but I know Abbie had a plan to ruin my time in the surf then I saw her with a surf board and running into the water "MUM, DAD WATCH ME SURF"

My jaw dropped. I knew it she's trying to get in my way. Then I saw a wave I was able to catch. As I was surfing back Abbie bumped into me. I ignored her as I walked back to mum and dad they waved to me "Why are you letting Abbie surf with me and how does she have a board"

Dad answered "We borrowed the board for her and you can really surf"

"About time you noticed I can"

"How did you learn"

"Long story"

I got my stuff and walked back to the hotel, had a shower and packed my stuff until Bree came in. She was looking worried "Why are you packing? Have we done something to you?"

"No I leave today"

"Oh, when do you leave?"

"1" I took my stuff down "Can you help me carry my board down please Bree"

"Sure. I'm going to miss you having you in the room"

"I'm going to miss you too"

~A few hours later ~

It's my last few hours here in the Bahamas' and we have just gotten to the airport. It really has set in. I'm glad I finally get to see Jordan again. I asked mum for her phone and gave Jordan a text "I come back today don't forget it"

5 minutes later she replied "Of course how can I forget that my bestfriend is coming back. What's going to happen between you and Jayden?"

"I gave him my number and if he ever comes to Melbourne we have to go see him"

I sat on the seat reading a new book mum just got me until I saw someone stand in front of me. I didn't look up then the person leant in towards me "Lauren"

I glanced up to see Jayden there. I put my book down and gave him a hug. He squeezed me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. He bit his lip and I could feel inside of me that I was dying a little bit. I'm going to miss seeing his adorable face.

One of the flight attendant spoke "Good afternoon we are now boarding for flight QA769 to Melbourne Australia. Please make your way to gate 3 to begin boarding"

I stood up. It has sunk in that I was actually leaving. I felt my phone vibrate as mum gave it back to me. I saw the number wasn't saved in my phone and when I opened the text up I saw it was from Max. I'm guessing he is in Melbourne and wants to catch up but I really don't think it would be good with Jayden. I turned my phone of. I jumped on Jayden and squeezed him tight. I will meet up with him one day. I walked down the ramp and waved goodbye to him.

The flight was boring and now that the past month has gone way to quickly and it was amazing.


Sorry about the short chapter but the other chapters are going to be longer :)

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