Chapter 15

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I was in home group when my teacher was saying the daily bulletins. I wasn't listening as usual when I heard my phone go off. I quickly looked at it and saw it was mum "It's my mum can I go outside?" I asked my teacher "just be quick" he spoke

I walked out of the class room with everyone giving me looks. I answered the phone. I know mum was home today but I could tell there were more people there than usual. Teachers kept walking past me and I was starting to freak out a bit "Lauren, I've called the school and you need to come home now. We're moving to Sydney and I need your help to pack everything"

"But mum I only got one more class left and it's the most important one too"

"I don't care. I need you home now. Please you're the only one that actually packs things probably."

"Mum I'm not coming home. Get Abbie too. Her subjects aren't that important" I hung up and walked back into home group "Is everything ok Lauren" my teacher said

"Everything should be ok" I got given the daily bulletin and glanced through it and the bell rang for recess.

After class I quickly walked home. On the way I bumped into Jordan and her boyfriend. They offered me to come around to do homework but had to them I was busy. I felt guttered that I couldn't go. Jordan gave me a worried look "Is everything ok at home?"

"Yeah just got to help mum tonight. I better be going bye" I didn't want them to know that I was moving to Sydney. I knew little of this myself and I don't want people to be asking me questions. I was glad though to be moving away from Sean and even better that I would be in the same city as The Collective. I walked into the door and my phone had gone off again. It was a notification from twitter "@JaydenSierra sent you a message" I jumped for joy. I dumped my bag and opened up the message when I felt someone come behind me. The breath was warm and it gave me shivers down my back. I jumped around quickly. It was Abbie "Oh my god Abbie can I have a little bit of privacy in this house. I seriously can't wait to move out. Argh" She smiled and walked away. Oh dear what was she going to do this time.

She came up to me and grabbed my hands which made my phone drop to the fall "WE'RE MOVING TO SYDNEY. DID YOU HEAR ME WE'RE MOVING TO SYDNEY" I rolled my eyes before she let go. "aren't you excited to move?"

"I don't know. I haven't made up my mind about it" I picked up my phone and read Jayden's message "Can't wait to see you again babe" I smiled and went to the kitchen where mum was packing the kitchen.

"We leave Wednesday. Go get changed, wash your school gear and we'll return it tomorrow"

"Yes mum" I walked to my room and throw myself on the bed. I yelled to mum "MUM COME HERE I NEED TO ASK YOU SOMETHING" it took her a while to get to my room

"What do you want?"

"Why are we moving to Sydney?"

She sat down on my bed "I got a phone call from the school before we left on our holiday and it was about Sean and his group of friend. I'm shocked you didn't tell us what was going on. So your father and I went online to look for houses in Sydney and found one which we brought and we thought it would be a good chance to have a new start at school"

"But I only have 2 weeks left of school left so why are we not doing it after then? What will I tell Jordan that I'm moving interstate on Wednesday? I don't have enough time to spend with her"

"I found a really good school just out of the city for you to go too but you'll have to repeat year 12. I know that's hard to get used to. You've worked so hard to get to this point but it will be the best and plus you and your sister won't be at the same school."

"But what about Jordan and I? What if I never get to see her again?"

"Ask her over tonight for dinner?"

"I did bump into her after school and invited me over but she was with her boyfriend and I didn't really want to interrupt their night." I looked down and I felt a tear rolling down my cheek.

I looked around my room to only see people starting to take away my stuff and take it down to their truck. It really started feeling like I was leaving. I wish no told mum what was going on at school. Im so close to finishing year 12 to have it all tear down so I can start I again. I don't want another year of stress and feeling like I'm not worth it anymore. All I could think of doing was listening to music. I put on my headphones and started listening to The Collective but that didn't really help. Tears just kept rolling down my face.

I ended up falling asleep listening to my music. I woke up to find that all my posters where taken down. My heart was racing and really wanted to know where they had gone. I rushed down stairs to see a box at the end of the stairs that had written on it 'LAURENS ITEMS' I opened it to see my posters in it. I let out of a sigh of relief. Dad came over "That box is going in the bin"

My jaw dropped "NO IT HAS MY STUFF IN IT." I seriously couldn't believe it that they packed MY stuff without asking me. This can't be serious "you can't just go into my room and pack MY stuff and think you can just threw it away. All these things have some meaning in my life and without them I feel empty. Why can't you guys just ask why I need and don't need?" I buried my head into my hands and started crying.

The front door opened and saw it was Jordan. I didn't do anything. I felt so bad for not telling her yesterday about the phone call with mum during home group. "Your mum called me last night about this and I thought I would take the day off to go out and do something girly with you. Get changed we're going shopping" I just sat there in complete shock. Jordan came up to me and made me walk up to get change.

I yelled at her "I though you would be mad at me for not telling you yesterday that I was moving"

"I'm a little bit disappointed but I gathered you didn't want to make me upset and plus you'll be close to Jayden so you two can actually go out together and don't feel bad for not being close anymore"

"True that but you shouldn't have taken the day off today just for me Jordan. It's more important your schooling. Seriously I don't feel like shopping"

"I know you don't but think about it like this, when you're in Sydney I'll be stuck here in Melbourne and we won't get to see each other every day and this is the last time in a long time that we get to see each other and I want to make it last. Hurry up and finish getting changed would you"

I didn't realised that I haven't spoken to Jayden about what I was going to do but that can wait until later.

Holiday in Heaven ~Jayden Sierra storyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora