Chapter 11

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The holiday was nearly over. There is only 4 days left. I didn't want to leave this place. This has been a great holiday. As I was about to leave the beach from surfing Will came up and sat next to my stuff. Without saying anything his smile widened. "Are you ok?" I asked raising an eyebrow

"Never been better, really but Jayden wants to talk to you alone. Can you meet him at the lobby"

"Ok but when though?"

"Now if it's possible" He just stayed there when I walked of with my gear and left my board with Will so he could go for a surf. As I was back on the road I turned around to watch Will surf. He doesn't look like a surfer but he can actually surf. I was surprised. I saw some other surfer in the water and I wish I were still in there.

I was just about to get into the lift to go to the room so I can drop my stuff off before I heard someone yell my name. I spun around to see Jayden standing there. He looked so happy to see me. He was holding to pieces of paper. He covered up the writing on it "So um there's a surprise I got for you" I started smiling like an idiot.

"What is........." before I could finish what I was saying I saw a girl looking around franticly. I grabbed Jayden's hand a moved away before she could see that Jayden is here. I'm pretty sure its, another fan but who knows who she is.

"Why are we standing here"?

"Fans here again. What where you going to surprise me with?"

"Umm ok well a few weeks ago there is an opening for this place and it's a ball and I have a spare ticket so if you want to be my date you more than welcome to be it" My eyes widened. My jaw dropped. I saw the girl come closer. I was starting to panic a bit when the girl started coming closer. I was starting to sweat "Lauren are you ok?"

"Memories of fans are coming back" He turned around and saw the girl coming towards him. He let out a sigh.

"Oh no it's Michelle."


"My ex"

~Jayden's POV~

As I turned around to see my ex here made me extremely worried about Lauren. I quickly turned around to tell her go to our room and I'll meet her there while I'll sort out Michelle. She walked of and tried to ignore Michelle. Michelle looked her up and down giving her nasty looks. I didn't know why she's here "Michelle I told you to leave me alone"

"Who's that girl you're with? You better not be your new girlfriend"

I tired to walk away but she was too quick. She grabbed my jumper and pulled me closer to her. She leant into me. I pushed her away before she could get away closer to me "Why are you here?"

"I want you back Jayden. I was stupid for leaving you"

"No Michelle. Please leave me alone" I saw Julian running over to me. He pushed me away looking back at Michelle. He took me towards the lifts before she could get in the doors shut. I let out a sigh of relief. I couldn't believe that she found me here. I was really quiet angry. As I walked into the room Lauren and Will where there. Will was writing down lyrics for our next album and Lauren was waxing her surf board "where were you all day Will?"

"Just borrowed Lauren's board for the day and went for a surf. Is that ok with you?"

"Oh that's fine, Lauren your answer from what we were talking about before?"

"I would love to" I could see in her face that she was starting fan girling.

My heart was racing. That night is going to be amazing. Lauren ran out crying. I just stood there and the boy's girlfriends came in and asked why she was crying. I gave them a confused looked and that we didn't know why she was crying.

~Lauren's POV~

I ran out of the room crying. I've never been asked out to a ball before. I bumped into a cleaner "I'm really sorry"

"Darling are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Just happy" I got into the lift and went to mum and dads room. Mum was there. She noticed my eyes where red "Oh Lauren what happened? Don't tell me Jayden and you had a fight?"

"No he asked me to the ball The Collective are going too"

"What did you say?"

"I said yes"

"What are you going to wear?"

"I don't know. Probably a dress"

"What type of dress?"

"Formal one"

"But you don't have one of those here though"

I forgot that I didn't have a dress. I don't know what to do now "Mum can we go get one?" that's when Abbie walked in. She crossed her arms looking angry with me. I was starting to get a feeling that she was going to have a go at me. Her mouth opened before mum stopped her "If you where wondering we are having a conversation Abbie. I'll talk to you later"

"But mum that's not fair though"

"I've spent more time with you than her" Abbie left the room not happy.

~The Ball~

Mum and I found a dress and it was perfect. I can feel the excitement building. The butterflies in my stomach was enormous. The boys where in the lobby when I got to the room. The girls where there. Wow they look amazing. I was looking really forward to the rest of the night. We got all our gear and went down to the lobby. I was really quiet which isn't normal.

~Jayden's POV~

I saw the lift door open. I saw a group of girls looking amazing then I noticed it was the girls. Lauren was behind of the group. I could see her in full. She looked so beautiful. I couldn't of had a better date. She came closer then she noticed me. She smiled and walked over to me "Whoa Lauren you look amazing"

"Thank you Jayden" He put he arm out so I put my arm around it and we walked outside to see that we're going to the venue by a limo. The lights were flashing which made it amazing. We got out and it was at the entertainment centre. I grabbed Laurens hand. She looked so nervous. I kept smiling at her.

It was half way through the night when we all started dancing. Then forever young came on "Let's dance in style let's dance for a while,

Heaven can wait we're only watching the skies,

Hoping for the best but expecting the worst,

Are you gonna drop the bomb or not?"

I grabbed Laurens hand and took her to the dance floor. We slow danced all the song. I leant into her and kissed her. I could feel that she was smiling. For the rest of the night we spent the night dancing. The night was a great night.


Sorry about the short chapter. I've kinda ran out of idea's for the holiday

Holiday in Heaven ~Jayden Sierra storyWhere stories live. Discover now