Chapter 25~ FINAL

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I woke up in shock. I wasn’t in bed so sleeping on the couch made my neck really sore. I did my usual morning routine go get breakfast, have a shower and do my hair. After I finished doing my hair I felt like someone was behind me. I turned around fast to see it was Jayden. He slept over last night. He was smiling. I walked over to him and gave him a good morning hug before I finished off my make-up. Jayden soon left and it was just Abbie and I at home.

Jayden was recording the new album with the boys today so I don’t get to spend that much time with him but it’s a good thing I get to spend some time with Max. I heard a knock on the front door. I ran down stirs to open it and it was The Wanted boys. I let them in and Abbie came running from her room. She probably heard them even though she playing her music full blast.

The boys went straight to the lounge room and sat down “Boys do you want anything to eat or drink?” I asked.

“I’ll go just a water thanks Lauren” Tom asked. I was surprised that they didn’t want anything else. I got the water for them as Abbie was non-stop with talking with them.

Max got up and came to the kitchen. He sat on the kitchen table. He started getting weird “Are you ok”

“Yeah why do ask that?”

“You’re acting different to normal? You can tell me anything you know that.”

“I’m going to sound stupid for saying this but why did you choose Jayden over me? I’ve liked you ever since we met and I think we would be a good couple”

I was really shocked at what he just said “Max you’re a great guy and I know you’re going to be a great boyfriend but I don’t think we would work out only because of the age difference and that you live in a different country and it would be hard for us to stay a couple. Jayden and I have a lot more in common”

He looked so sad when I said that. My heart sunk. I’ve always liked him but not the same way as I have with Jayden. “We can always still be friends but for now I’m happy with Jayden. I’ve always had feeling for you but my feelings for Jayden have been stronger”

“Oh ok. Well I hope you have a good time with Jayden and I’m just going to excuse myself from everyone” He left. I took the water out to the others. I looked out the window so see Max drive way in the car he came in. The Jay came up to me looking out at the window. I felt so bad.

“What happened between you two? I thought you liked him the same way as he did for you” He exclaimed. I turned around to face him.

“I don’t want to talk about this now.” I spooked softly so the others did hear especially Abbie wouldn’t hear.

I got my car keys and drove around to Sony where The Collective where. I tried to hind the fact I was about to burst into tears. Jayden was in the both recording his section. Trent came over put his arm around me “Your man is a great singer. You’ve scored a great guy”

“Thanks Trent but I don’t think he’s scored well with me”

“What do you mean?”

“I just want to talk about to Jayden first” He took his arm off me before leaving me standing by myself. Jayden took his ear phones off and walked towards me but he didn’t realise that I was here until he got out of the recording studio.

“Lauren? What are you doing here?”

“I need to talk. In private” He grabbed my hand and we went into a spate studio. We sat on the couch.

“What’s wrong?

“The Wanted where over just before and Max was asking why I was with you over him and he took it the wrong way and left the house without saying anything. I feel so bad but I don’t know what to do?” I felt a tear form in my eye before Jayden brushed it away.

“Lauren It’ll be ok. He’ll be fine. It’ll just take a few days for him to get over it but what else did you say to him, for him to walk away just like that?”

“I just told him that I’ll have always had the same feelings for him as he did with me but I have more in common with you and that I want to be with you but still want to be friends with me”

“I don’t know why he did that. You told him the truth but I don’t see why you’re upset. If we weren’t together I would think that you and Max would make a perfect couple”

“You really think that but I don’t want to be with him. I want to be with you instead.”

~1 year later~

Jayden and I are still together and it’s been great. We are still a strong couple. The boys have been working really hard on their album and it should be out today. They are so excited for. It’s been a long time coming but it’s well deserved.

Max and I aren’t friends anymore. It was a great time getting to know him but it was a disappointment that we had to end the friendship on such a bad way. Abbie is still in constant contact with all five boys from The Wanted and she’s been really nice about The Collective.


This is the final chapter. I hope you enjoyed the Fanfic and this chapter. Its been fun to write it. Comment what you think off it.

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