Chapter 16

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It was Wednesday. The day I left Melbourne. My childhood house. My school and more importantly I left Jordan. I let out I loud sigh and got up. I had to pack up my bed and let the guys move it. I went and had my finale shower in my own bathroom. I had this image in my head of what the new house will look like and it wasn't the nicest. What if it was a 2 bathroom house and Abbie and I had to share the same bathroom. The amount of fights we would have. Let's hope I have my own bathroom. As I finished my shower. I heard my bedroom door open "Abbie if that's you get out"

"Are you ready yet? We're about to leave"

"Obviously not if I just gotten out the shower"

"Well hurry up then" she slammed my door shut.

Today was also an important day too. It's the day the Another Life by The Collective is coming out. I was so excited. I was expecting this song was going to be high up the iTunes chart. I couldn't believe it. I thought that we were going to drive to Melbourne but dad told me that we're flying and everything was going by truck today. Again we're going back to the airport. The second time in a month. Usually I'm excited for flying but this time I wasn't.

Before I do anything else I had to call Jayden I do anything else I had to call Jayden and tell him the news. The phone rung and rung but he didn't pick up. I tried again but nothing. Seriously? Why wasn't he picking up then I saw that his number was up on the screen. I picked it up. There was an awkward silence before I said anything "I'm moving to Sydney" I said it really quickly

"What? Lauren slowdown"

"Mum told me Monday that we're moving to Sydney. And we officially leave today. I can't believe it. I've spent my whole life here in Melbourne and I don't want to move"

"I thought you loved it here in Sydney. That means that we get to see each other more often and that I can get you back stage to any of our Sydney concerts. You don't seem to happy about that though. What's wrong?"

"I've always grown up in this house and mum told me that I have to repeat year 12"

"WHAT you have to repeat year 12. Why?" Mum popped her head in "It's time to go"

I wasn't even ready yet and I was still on the phone to Jayden "I have to go now. I'll talk later"

~Jayden POV~

As I was on the phone to Lauren I could tell that she wasn't happy to be moving here but I know she's going to be alright. I just hope she is ok. I heard her mum talk to her that she has to go. I text her 'Hey how are you getting to Sydney'

'Plane why?'

'what airline and when do you arrive in Sydney?'

'Qantas and I arrive at 3:10pm'

I didn't reply because I want to surprise her at the airport. I was in the studio with the boys. They noticed that I had a smile on my face. I just sat down like nothing happened. They sat next to me and glared right at me "Come one Jayden tell us what happened and who where you on the phone too" Zach asked.

"Zach, telling by the way he's smiling its obviously Lauren" Will spoke directly at Zach

"Ok it was Lauren. She's moving to Sydney and she arrives today. I'm going to the airport to meet her" I left the studio earlier and as I was leaving there where heaps of fans outside wanting to meet us. I could only meet a few before I had to go when I felt a hand grab mine when I noticed it was The boys wanting to come with me. I took my car with Julian and Zach. Trent took his with Will in it.

~Lauren's POV~

The Taxi had arrived to take us to the airport. As I went down stairs I took one last look at my room and went outside. I throw my bag in the boot and got in the back. I took a deep breath as we left the house. It hit me that I forgot to call Jordan and catch up with her. I'll just have to give her a call when I'm in Sydney.

~A few hours later~

I got off the plane and into the terminal at the Sydney airport. I noticed there was a big crowd around these guys and didn't think any of it. Then a guy came out of it and I noticed it was Jayden. I was shocked. He walked quickly over to me and gave me a hug "Jayden what are you doing here? I thought you were in the studio?"

"I was but I left to come see you and the other guys have come too." They came over to me and gave me a hug. My face lit up. "Hey boys how are you?" my dad said. He started to have a conversation with them and trying to embarrass me.

We went to collect our baggage and left. As we were leaving Jayden asked me if I wanted to go back to his house and catch up on all the things. So I spent the night at his house.

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