Chapter 23

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I Still haven't told Abbie about The Wanted coming here. I thought it would be the best I tell her now rather than tomorrow since they're coming tomorrow. I wasn't sure if she was in her room with her friends rather or just talking on the phone. I knocked "Who is it?"


"What do you want?"

"You need to know something important. And before you say anything its about the wanted. If you aren't going to listen to me, I wont bother telling you the information" She came up to me wanting to interrupted me.

"Ok well the boys are coming to Sydney tomorrow and Max asked me if I wanted to go meet him at the airport so if you want to come you can. I've told him to tell Siva that you're coming? are you in?"

"OH MY GOD. WHEN DID YOU FIND THIS OUT" she ran around me screaming at the top off her lungs as I blocked it out.

"Max called me the other day and I thought it was the best to tell you today rather than tomorrow. So do you want to come or not?"

"YES OMG OMG" She fell on her bed breathing heavily before she started screaming into my ear. I smiled. This was one of the times when she actually appreciated what I've done for her. Well I didn't do it, he Wanted did. She was so happy. She grabbed me and hugged me. This was the weirdest feeling.

"They arrive around 8am so be ready by 6:30 ok. I'll explain everything when we're are on the way" She smiled

"Thank you so much for doing this for me. Its the best thing you've ever done for me. Ill promise ill repay you at some time. Ok"

"No you don't need to repay me but just make sure you have fun with Siva ok."

~The Next Day~

I got up extra early so I could get ready before 6:30 and it surprised me that Abbie was ready too. I received a text. It was really strange that I got one so early in the morning "Hey have fun with max today :)xo" It was from Jayden.

How did he know that I was meeting home today. Oh I remember I told him yesterday. I hope he's ok with that. He told me yesterday that he knows that I wont like Max the same way as him, which was right. I was so excited. I had to not wake up mum and dad "Abbie are you ready?"


"Well I'm leaving now so hurry up and get in the car" she pushed me down the stairs to get into the car before me. If was an awkward silence most of the trip.

"So when they're here they only have one free day to do anything so on that day Siva promised to do things with you and Max will do things with me. What do you think?"

"Wait they only have one free day?"

"Well only two free days when they're here but the other one is in Melbourne so they've already arranged on what they want to do" We got to the airport just before 7:45. I couldn't believe it took so long. Traffic was so bad.

Once we got inside the terminal, there where a lot of girls waiting. I was kinda scared at what they would do. The security put up a fence to make sure they don't hurt the boys. Abbie and I worked our way to the front of where the entry is so the boys could see us. I could over hear the girls next to us "Do you see those two girls over there? Well they think they know the boys personally"

"They looked over to Abbie and I. I quickly turned my head the other way. I was still able to her them "They don't even know who they are" The plane finally arrived and the screaming started.

"If you keep screaming you're getting kicked out. You have one warning" one of the security guards said. They came out as I caught Max's eye he waved at me. I waved back and so did the girls around me.

He came up to me and gave me a hug and tried to get Abbie and I out of the crowd with Nathan's help. Abbie ran to Siva and gave him a hug. I noticed Naresha, Siva's girlfriend. She didn't look too happy with her. I walked up to her and introduced myself and had to tell her that Abbie was my sister and that she was way to happy.

The guys stopped to take autographs and photos for fans. Once they finished that Max walked over to me "So tell me everything about what's been happening to you and Jayden"

"Its quite a long story actually."

"I have all the time in the world for you to tell me. If you two are together, I'll be so happy for you and you know that. What happened when the boys and I left the Bahamas'. I need to catch up on things"

"Don't you have a concert tonight that you need to prepare for?"

"Yes but there's on surprise for you that I need to tell you."

"Yes what is it"

"I know you couldn't go to any concerts so I wanted to give you, Abbie and some other people that you want to bring backstage passes to tonight's show since I feel kind" My face went blank. I wanted to ask Jayden if he wanted to come, but it would've felt awkward if he came.

I looked over at Abbie. I guess that she just got told that news too. Once we got outside the boys got in their Limo and left us out with all the fans. It felt so weird. Abbie started shacking my arm like crazy. I got my phone and gave Jayden a call "Hey are you doing anything tonight?"

"I thought you where with Max and no I'm not. Why do you ask?"

"Well he just offered if I wanted to go to his concert tonight and I could bring a friend along and I thought I would invite you. Are you ok with that?"

"Yeah sure"

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