Chapter 18

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I don't know why Jordan had to hand up on me like that. She never called me back even though its been a week. She always calls me back when she needs to go. I had to give her a call to ask her why. it went straight to message back "Jordan it's me Lauren. Why haven't you called or text me in the last week. I don't know what's happening between us. when you get this please call me."

I sat there waiting for a while listening to music but I still got nothing. about an hour later I got a text from her "Don't call me or text me. I don't want to be friends again" I was stunned. I didn't know what to do.

"I found out what happened with you and Jayden. it was uncalled for. don't call or text me again" I started to cry. Mum was down stairs and heard me. She came up to me and sat on my bed. She put her arms around me. She took my phone from me and put it on my bedside cabinet. I lost it even more.

"What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it at the moment" I wiped my tears from my eyes.

"If you don't want to talk to me about it why don't you talk to Jordan about"

"This is about Jordan." mum said while talking her arms off me, grabbing my phone and checked my messages. A new message was there from her

"If you tell anyone of this I will take action against you. Got it" Mum put her hand against her mouth.

"why didn't you tell me about this. I'm calling her mum"

"NO MUM PLEASE DON'T" She didn't listen to me. I buried my head in my pillow. I heard my phone go off. I noticed it was Max. I didn't want to him to know anything what has been happening between Jayden and I. I wiped the tears from my eyes "Hi Max"

"Lauren thank god you answered I was so worried about you" He still had that strong British accent as I remembered. "How are you going?"

I paused for a bit "I'm ok, what about yourself?"

"Great. Whoa you don't sound good. What been going on. Oh nothing much just moved interstate. I'm not happy about that though"

"Where did you move too?"


"Oh that's even better because the boys and I are going to Sydney and we want to meet up with you"

"Oh when?' Mum walked in handing her phone to me "Sorry Max I need to go. Its kind of important"

As I hanged up on him I felt really bad. Mum gave me the phone. I didn't know who it was. she wanted me to talk to someone then I realised it was Jordan. I gave mums phone back to her "you know she doesn't want to talk to me"

The whole thing didn't last that long only because I didn't want to talk to Jordan because of the things she had sent me. Mum didn't bother ageing with me. I walked down to the kitchen to get something to eat. There was dad talking to some guy. I thought it was a guy from his work. I soon realised it was Jayden. I stopped suddenly at the door.

Jayden got up and hugged. I just stood there. I didn't move. I was in complete shock "Lauren I have, I mean we, your mother and I have been thinking that you have been through so much over the past few months and I know that you haven't meant to cause any trouble. I was out of line the other day when Jayden dropped you off and I really want you two to be friends again. I hope you forgive us."

I looked back and forth from Jayden, mum and dad, not knowing what to say to them "Lauren, are you going to say anything?" mum said. Jayden walked over grabbed my wrists and pulled me closer to him.

"I don't know what to say. I cant believe you would do this to your own daughter dad. Tell a guy that he's not allowed to see a guy then a few weeks later say he can. I thought you loved me and if you did you wouldn't do this to me. I don't know why we had to move schools when I was so close to finishing now I have to do it all over again."

"Lauren I didn't mean to do this to you but its for the best for you. that's all we want for you"

"I don't think its suitable to be talking about this when Jayden's around. I don't want him to know all of my problems especially after today." I noticed him looking really concerned about me.

"What happened today Lauren. I need to know. I hate seeing you upset. You can tell me anything. I swear I wont tell anyone" I showed him the texts

"Oh god Lauren, you called her your best friend. This is not ok. have you told anyone about this?"

"Yeah Jayden she told me. I don't think she wants anyone else to know."

"Why don't we go out for lunch so we can catch up on everything. I also need to tell you things that's happening with the band and that involves you too"

Holiday in Heaven ~Jayden Sierra storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें