Chapter 7

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~Lauren's POV~

As I sat down the boys got onto stage. I was really excited. I really wanted to know what songs they would sing. I did know that they would sing Surrender. I started to sing it in my head then the music started. Will grunted

"Oh baby, I'm feeling sexy and free

Like glitter's raining on me

You're like a shot of pure gold

I think I'm 'bout to explode"

I jumped up and started dancing "I can taste the tension like a cloud of smoke in the air

Now I'm breathing like I'm running cause you're taking me there

Don't you know...

You spin me out of control

(Ooh ooh ooh ooh)

We can do this all night

Make this love so skin tight

Baby come on

(Ooh ooh ooh ooh)

Boomin' like a bass drum

Sparkin' up a rhythm

Baby, come on!

(Ooh ooh ooh ooh)"

That's when Jayden stopped the music "Lauren what are you doing?"

"Just being a fan girl. Why"

"Oh nothing but continue what you're doing"

The music started again and they sung the rest of the song "So what do you think Lauren?" Trent asked

"It's amazing. I can't wait for tomorrow" I screamed slightly. My first actual time alone with the boys and they're rehearsing.

"First time was a great time

Second time was a blast

Third time I fell in love

Now I hope it lasts" Will started singing as they started hip thrusting. I died inside. I nearly feel of my chair. Why must they do this to me. Then I looked over to Jayden. OH MY GOD.

"I can see it in your walk

Tell it when you talk

See it in everything you do

Even in your thoughts"

"People always told me be careful what you do

And don't go around breaking young girls' hearts

She came and stood right by me

I could smell her sweet perfume

This happened way too soon

She called me to her room"

Trent sung with passion. If this is just the rehearsals imagine what the actual show is going to be like. The boys where there for hours and when we left it was dark. I was actually getting really tired. The boys wanted to go out for dinner but I wanted to go back to the hotel so the boys dropped me off.

~Jayden's POV~

Today was a pretty good day. It was great having Lauren there. It looked like she was getting in to it. I can't imagine what tomorrow night is going to be like if Lauren acted like that. The boys and I plus Ashlee where going out for dinner and we wanted Lauren there but she looked really tired. I was upset but I don't blame her. The boys had their girlfriends with them and not having a girlfriend there was uncomfortable. I really enjoyed the night.

~The Next day~

It was the day he Collective performed for the first time internationally. I thought to myself 'Is this really happening' The boys look really excited to perform and I was super happy to have them with me. We decided to have breakfast at the restaurant at the hotel. The Bacon and Eggs were my favourite. As I was in the middle of eating I saw Lauren about to sit down. I really wanted to go over to her and talked but she didn't look happy. She noticed me and waved but didn't come over and say hi. Will also saw her "Jayden why aren't you going to see her?"

"I don't know. She seems really upset"

"It won't hurt her if you go ask what's wrong"

I got up after eating my plate. She smiled "Can I talk to you privately?"

"Umm ok"

I took her somewhere quiet "I've noticed that you been looking down for a while. I want to know what's wrong"

"I'm not feeling well that's all"

"Are you sure"

"Yeah just a bit of the flu"

"Are you able to come tonight?"


I saw the wanted come walk out way. Max smiled and waved at us so we waved back. He came up to us "Is Abbie around. Siva wants to talk to her"

"Um yeah she's in the restaurant eating breakfast" Lauren told him. He walked away without even asking how she is. She looked even worse, How could he do that. I put my arms around her and hugged her tightly. She started crying. She pulled away from me "This is really embarrassing" As she started wiping her tears away from her eyes

"Don't worry about it"

"I just feel so bad for him. He started to like me then I totally ignored him"

~Laurens POV~

I just wanted to go home. I really was getting home sick. All I want to do is make it up to Max for being so rude. Jayden really was worried about me and that's why I love him. He loves his fans. As he put his arms around me again I put my head on his chest and he kissed me on the cheek. I know we don't know each other that well but I'm really starting to fall for him for his personal life more than him being famous. There were a group of girls starting to walk up to us. They didn't look too happy that I was with Jayden. They started pushing me away from him. He tried to grab me before I was pushed to the floor. Three of the girls started kicking me. I was screaming in pain "How dare you be with Jayden. He's ours"

There where security coming towards us as they grabbed the girls and moved them out of the hotel. Zach, Trent, Will and Julian rushed to me and Jayden. Jayden picked me up. I was crying so hard when mum and dad came over and grabbed me "What's just been going on"

As the girls where screaming as they left. Mum looked at them "What did they do"

Jayden interrupted "we were talking and she started crying so I gave her a hug and they came and attacked her. Then the security came and took them away. I did try my best do protect her"

"Mum please don't be angry at Jayden. He did nothing wrong"

There was a group of on lookers surrounding us. I was starting to shake. Mum told the boys to take me to my room. I didn't want her to make this into a big deal "Can you get the Wanted too. Please mum. I want to say goodbye to them before they leave"

"Fine just rest up"

Jayden put his arm around me and walked me to my room and put me on my bed. The door opened a while after when The Wanted and Abbie came in "Did you want us" Jay asked

"Yeah I wanted to say for the past 3-4 days has been great and that you guys made Abbie the happiest person alive makes me happy and Max I'm really sorry about ignoring you. Please forgive me" as Jayden walked over to me giving me an ice pack for my leg

"What happened to you?"

I started crying again "She had some girls kick her before" Trent spoke as Max came over to me and put his arms around me "Can I have a moment with her please" The Boys left with Abbie

Holiday in Heaven ~Jayden Sierra storyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu