Chapter 3

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~Lauren's POV~

I seriously was so excited. I looked out the plane window to see crystal clear water on the beaches, people shopping along the beach. I saw a pod of dolphins swimming close to shore. "OH MY GOD THIS IS AMAZING" I screamed to dad.

He probably thought that I was weird but the way Abbie was acting was even weirder. I couldn't believe that she decided to bring her posters of The Wanted. I guess that she was happy that she finally gets to meet her favourite band. I wish I got to meet mine but I don't think it's going to happen anytime soon.

I was excited. I'm a surfer and this looks an amazing place to surf, shame I couldn't bring my surf board with me. One day I could be surfing with dolphin's surrounding me. Abbie was eager to get off the plane and to the hotel "When are we landing?"

"Very shortly" Dad said

"I'm so excited"

I looked down to see the buildings they look so good. Thankfully mum and dad chose a good time to come. Its winter back in Australia and summer here I was looking forward to getting away from the cold and into the warmth again. I think it's time to get some surfing done too and have the sun shining on my hair and skin and feel the cool water on my skin. I couldn't stop moving around. This has to be one of the longest flights I've flown but it should be all worth it when we land.

~Jayden's POV~

I was doing a concert to open up rundle place in Adelaide when it struck me that we The Collective should do a show overseas for the first time. I really couldn't think it was possible too. After we finished performing we went backstage "Hey Trent when we were on stage it hit me that we should go overseas and do our first overseas show"


"Do you think we should do it or is it going to be too much?'

"What are you talking about?" Zach walked over and asked us

"Um well Jayden had an idea we go overseas and do a concert over probably in the Bahama's"

"Don't you think it's going to be too much to organise?"

"It's going to be a good idea, get The Collective known overseas well"

"Trent I never said the Bahama's but it would be cool to go there though"

They really don't know what's going on but I had to tell them how I got the idea. We organised a holiday with our management and told Sony this would be a good opportunity to go overseas and hopefully become a bit well known. A few days later I was doing a following spree on twitter and a followed a few Jayden girls. One of them got her friend to help her friend get a follow and when I saw that she was going to the Bahama's at the same time as the group I thought that I would give her some clues. The day I followed her I found out that she had to be taken out of class by her best friend because I followed her and knowing that I DMed her that night made her day.

We were back in Sydney at the studio and going to do 'CollecTV' but couldn't finish it so we uploaded and cover of a Maroon 5's song and it seems to be a hit. I was getting a little bit more excited to go overseas with the boys

The night before going to the Bahama's we flew to Adelaide because our flight was flying direct from there. We stayed at Julian's house and played a gig at the highway. There were heaps of fans there that turned up there but we didn't want to stay late because we had an early flight. It was great fun staying at Julian's house. His parents make great meal's "Thank you Mrs De Vizio for dinner" Will said

"Anything for you boys" she said.

The boys had their girlfriends there apart from me, I was kind of upset that I didn't have a girlfriend but I'm waiting for the right girl to come along. We went to bed before 12 so we could get a 6am flight to the Bahama's.

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