Chapter 4

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Day 1

~Jayden's POV~

So many thoughts are running through my head at the moment I really couldn't believe that The Collective was going overseas for the first time as a band. I woke up early as I didn't finish packing last night as Will was starting to wake up "Bro today's the day we leave" I shouted in his face to piss him off. It worked. He moaned and rolled over throwing pillows at me to get out. So I left.

I usually don't eat breakfast especially being excited but I decided to make toast for all the boys when they woke up and Trent came out the room. WOW he didn't look to good "You ok Trent?"

"Yeah just a bit of a cold"

"Oh no"

Julian's mum came out and gave Trent some medicine to make him feel better and as soon as Will came out he came over to me not looking to happy with me "Why did you wake me up so early?"

"Um because it's the day we leave Australia" I gave him a smirk and gave him some toast before he could say anything. We all gathered at the kitchen table and ate. We also wanted to do a weeks filming of CollecTV so we can show all our fans what we've been up too. We filmed the part of us leaving the house to the airport "We're off to the airport" Zach yelled

"I'm excited"

Trent and Will screamed to the camera behind Zach as he was turning it off. We got to the airport and checked in. We were nearly at the international terminal when we met some fans and spent some time with them but we had to go. Our flight was nearly boarding when Julian decided to film

"We're just about to bored and guess who's excited I am"

"Hi I'm Zach and I'm Excited" Zach yelled. The Security gave him a look at he looked back and was smiling. Typical Zach.

~Lauren's POV~

We got our rooms and the view was amazing. I could see the beach from here. Lucky the hotel was in walking distance so I got into my bikinis, went down to the lobby and borrowed a surf board. As i was walking out I bumped into Max. "OH god sorry Max"

"Where are you going?"

"Going for a surf"

I smiled before he told me to have fun. As I got down the beach I let the wind run freely and ran into the ocean. I caught so many waves. It was a good feeling to be back. I saw that Abbie, mum and dad walk down onto the beach and Abbie was holding a surf board. How did she know how to surf? Mum asked me to teach her how to surf but I didn't want to. Abbie looked at me like she was about to cry so I had to. It's not fair I just had to tell her to keep away from me while I was surfing. When she got up she noticed that Siva and Jay were walking along the beach. I haven't seen her swim as fast. I just continued surfing.

After surfing I went back to the hotel and had to Skype Jordan back home. Even though it's 10pm back in Australia she was happy skyping me "Hey you never guess what happened when I was leaving the lobby"

"What happened?"

"I got my surf board and was about to leave when I bumped into Max George"

"Who's he"

"From The Wanted"

"Oh him, yeah I know what did he say?"

"That it's cool how I'm a surfer and to have fun surfing"

"Where's Abbie?"

"Down the beach trying to chat up Siva"

"Typical Abbs"

"Yes it is, How's school going?"

"Good I found out good news"

"What is it PLEASE TELL ME. Is it about The Collective?"

"No but you'll have to wait until later today to see it"

"Can't wait"

I went to the room and had a quick shower. I went down to the shopping mall with mum while dad and Abbs were surfing together. It was great to be in a different country shopping. Thus shopping centre was massive with heaps of surf shops. We were in the food court when we bumped into Max and Tom, They spent some time with us before they were off to do some music.

That Night the family went to the hotel's restaurant and the food was great. We walked around a bit. The weather was just perfect for wearing short shorts, a single and having my down. I bumped into The Wanted again "Oh hey girls, do you want to come out with us" Tom asked

"Sure" Abbie said while screaming louder than you can imagine. Max started looking at me smiling so I smiled back.

~Max's POV~

I remember Abbie telling me that I was Lauren's favourite member and I started falling for her but I feel like she's keeping something from me. As we were walking together i had to ask her who's her favourite band and her favourite member. She told me that it was The Collective and Jayden was her favourite. My heart sunk. Knowing that I wasn't her favourite didn't make me feel any better. She told me that I'll be her favourite member of The Wanted. That made me smile but I still liked her for that

"I have to tell you something"

"Yes Max"

"I kind of like you more than a friend"

She started smiling "Aww Max that so sweet"

I could see that Abbie was getting jealous that she wasn't getting much attention from Siva as she hoped for so I elbowed Siva and told him to pay Abbie more attention.

~Abbie's POV~

Today had been great. Lauren has been teaching me how to surf for most of the day but then I saw Siva and Jay on the shore when I decided to go talk to them for a bit. I found out that Lauren and Max have been spending a lot of time together and Max is starting to like her but she never tells me what she thinks of him.

That night the boys, Lauren and I had a great night together. I now could see that Lauren started to like Max.

~Will's POV~

Mid-flight I decided that I should do a surprise twitcam. It was great but there were a lot of people asked us why we went to the Bahama's but I couldn't really say why we chose them. I asked Jayden what he was thinking of doing when we landed but he was busy listening to his music. I decided to write some music while where flying.

Holiday in Heaven ~Jayden Sierra storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें