Chapter 14

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~Laurens POV~

I fell asleep early today. I couldn't deal with what I was happening at school. I was so afraid to tell my parents, especially going to the principal's office today. As I walked into the house Abbie was walking down the stairs with a smirk on her face. As she whispered "I know what happened today at school. I won't tell mum if you give me Jayden's number" I gave her a death stare and dumped my bag at the end of the stairs and walked to mum.

Abbie walked in "MUM GUESS WHAT HAPPENED AT SCHOOL TODAY" she yelled as I sat down at the kitchen table and took out my hair.

"Lauren got sent to the principal's office today." She smiled towards me then walked to the fridge. I could tell that mum wasn't happy.

"Lauren do you have anything to say to me"

"Um no"

"Principal's office? Why?

"Because I had too"

Abbie couldn't keep her mouth shut "she yelled at some guy in her class" I went red in the face and couldn't believe it. To be honest I didn't want her to have Jayden's number so I just let her say what she wanted to mum. I could see that mum was really disappointed in me.

Mum came and put her arm around me "is this all about that guy you have a crush on at school. What's his name again?"

"Sean and I don't have a crush on him" I grabbed her arm off me and walked to my room. I buried my head into my pillow. I laid there for hours not thinking anyone was around me. It was so quiet. Then I heard my phone vibrate in my pocket. I rolled over to see that Max's had called me. He didn't leave a voice message but he left a text message:

"Lauren, why haven't you replied to me or given me a call since I last saw you. I thought we had something. I've missed seeing you and hearing your voice. If you get this please give me a call. Max"

I just sat there for hours thinking what I could reply to him then he called me. I didn't want to be rude to him so I rubbed my eyes and answered the call "Oh finally you answered me"

"Sorry I couldn't reply earlier I've been busy lately"

"Yeah I know Abbie has been telling me what you've been up to"

What has she told you?"

"I promised not to tell anyone" at that moment I just wanted to hung up on him. I couldn't deal with people asking about Jayden and I.

"Is this about Jayden and I? if it is please don't call again" I spoke quietly

"No I heard from Abbie that you were sent to the principal's office today. What was that all about? Was there any guy involved?"

"I don't want to talk about that now. I've got a lot of homework today and so much to catch up on."

"But Lauren I've been wanting to know what going on between us lately"

"Can you call me back when I've got time to talk?

"Fine" he hung up I could tell that he wasn't happy.

~Max's POV~

I hung up on Lauren. I was over it. She hasn't been talking to me lately. I'm worried that her new friend Jayden has said something about me to her. I heard the boys by my door. I opened it and they were crowded around it "where you all listening to me?"

"No why do you ask?" Jay spoke.

I was silent for the rest of the night. I was about to fall asleep when I saw my phone light up. It was from Lauren "Please don't think I was being rude to you on the phone earlier. I don't want to talk about it at the moment. I still want to be friends and if you think Jayden has said anything about you to me and being friends with you he hasn't. Hopefully we can catch up and go for a surf together"

My face lit up "I know it's been rough lately for you but that would be the best to catch up again xoxo"

~Laurens POV~

I was finishing up my maths homework when I started falling asleep/ I put my head on the desk for a bit for a nap. As hours went past it felt like it was for 10 minutes and I woke up with a jolt. I checked the time and saw that The Collective will be home in a few hours. Knowing that we will be in the same time zone as them again put a smile on my face. I put away my homework and fell asleep on my bed.


~Jayden's POV~

I got very little sleep last night. It 4am and our flight is at 6am. I had to drag myself out of bed. All I could think about last night was Lauren. What if I never get to see her again and the only thing I get to do with her is call and text her. I sighed. I turned on the hot water and got in. it woke me up. I soon realised that Julian and Bree had already left the room and that I was the only one left. I started to panic. I got my bag packed and rushed down to the lobby where they were there already. I puffed "Mate calm down. We don't have to get to the airport for another 45 minutes" Julian spoke

I let out a sigh and checked out of the hotel. I could see the others already in the van to go to the airport. I couldn't believe how fast they were to get ready this morning. We boarded the plane and I put my headphones in and dosed off.

~A few hours later~

The flight felt like it took forever. Its good to be back in Sydney. I got my stuff and left the plane. As I got into the terminal there was my family, friends and a few fans that wanted to me the boys and myself.

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