Chapter 22

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~Laurens POV~

It was New Years day. As I laid down in bed to think of what will happen this year and if it was going to be better than last year, my phone started buzzing around on my cabinet. I recognised the number, It was Jordan. I had a sinking feeling in my guts. After so many months of not talking to her, why is she calling me especially at this time off the morning. I let it ring for a bit before I picked it up "Hello"

"Lauren, Its Jordan"

"Hi Jordan"

"Um I only calling about what happened to us. I miss it. I know you probably don't want to talk to me ever again. I've thought it through. I was way out of line. You don't deserve any of this. Please Please forgive me." I didn't give her an instant response but she kept asking me if I would forgive her.

"I'm sorry Jordan but we cant be friends. I can forgive you but cant forget. What you did to me wasn't very nice. You where the only person I could tell anything but now that I've lost your trust. It cant happen again. Sorry" I hanged up on her. I literally felt really bad for doing it but it was needed.

It came back to me that I never called Max back even though it was ages ago. What if her changed numbers or doesn't want to talk to me. I must call him. Its worth a try. It kept ringing and ringing until it went to message bank "Hi this is Max. Please leave a message after the tone and I'll get back to you as soon as possible"

"Hi Max, Its Lauren. I totally forgot to call you back that time I hanged up on you. I'm really sorry. Please call me back. I need to talk to you asap."

He finally called me back "So what did you want to talk about?"

"When you're coming to Sydney?"

"in a weeks time. Its only really for promo stuff for Walks Like Rihanna but we have one free day in Melbourne and Sydney if you would like to catch up. If that's ok with you?"

"Oh that's great but Abbie wont let me see any of you guys unless she gets to spend time with Siva"

"That can happen. I'll make sure you and I get a day together and Abbie and Siva get a day together"

"Oh that's great. When you leave the UK just tell me and I'll make sure I'm at the airport to see you. I'll have to bring Abbie with me because she'll get all grumpy with me if I don't bring her"

"Yes great idea. Ok I'll see you then.

~Next Day~

I had to work today. The second day of the year I had to work which sucks. It wasnt very fun it was just delivering pizzas and taking orders. I had to drop a pizza off to a guy named Zach and at his house. The house seemed familiar to me. I didn't really notice until I got there that it was the boys house. I never told them that I had a job.

Jayden opened the door and to his surprise he didn't say anything. He had a blank look on his face "Um Jayden are you ok?"

"Lauren is that you?" He came closer to see if it was me.

"Yes Jayden it is me. Can you just please pay for the pizzas then I can get back to work. I'll explain everything later ok" He gave me the money and slammed the door close. I guess that he was angry. Maybe I should've told him I had a job.

~Jayden's POV~

I knew that Lauren was keeping something from me. I thought it would've been a lot worse but her having a job. I was actually surprised. No wonder why she couldn't catch up with me all this time. She looked so good in her uniform. It suits her. As I took the pizzas to the guys, Julian asked me "Why did it take so long to pay"

"Oh um well. It was Lauren"

"Why was Lauren delivering the pizza's?"

"She works at Dominos now"

"Oh that's good for her" Julian started digging in as the others just looked confused. I put my plate down and got my phone out of my pocket

"It was nice seeing you again xo" I text Lauren.

I didn't hear back for a while. She would've been angry with me when I slammed the door on her when she was about to leave. I felt bad, but I couldn't help it. I really wanted to know why she kept this from me. The way I had to find out about this. I know its just a job but really why am I pissed about this "Hey sorry about slamming the door on you before. I didn't really know what I was meant to do. I hope the rest of work is good. See you soon" I texted her again, but no reply.

~Lauren's POV~

Work was really busy tonight. I'm kind of shocked but it meant I got to work longer so more money. I could feel my phone vibrating. I wanted to pick it up but I know if I answer it but I don't want to lose my job. I had to wait until later that night.

I got home and went to my room. I flicked my shoes off and laid down for a bit. I checked my phone to see that Jayden had texted me 3 hours ago. I felt so bad "Hey sorry about the late reply. That's ok. I hope you're not made about me having a job but I didn't really feel like telling you because the fact your fans will be a pain and I don't really want that at work. I really want to see you again. I'm free on the weekend if you are?"

He text back instantly "Yeah sure. I'll give you a call later about"

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