Chapter 6- I'll fix this

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*2 days later*

Dean POV

"Dean we've tried literally everything we can to bring her back already she's gone you need to let her go"

"Dammit Sam no!" I shouted "I'm sorry Sammy just can you give me time alone with her please you and Bobby go hunt" I sighed

He left

"I'm so so sorry I dragged you into all this baby" I said kissing her hand

"I promised to protect you and I screwed that up like I screw everything else up, I will find a way to bring you back to me I'm not letting you go like this" I sobbed

Then it clicked there was one thing I could try we have tried literally everything Sam is going to kill me but this is all I have got

"I'm going to go fix this baby I promise" I said kissing her forehead

I grabbed my car keys and left I finally got to where I was going, I picked up my box and got out of the car and moved some dirt and put the box in the ground

'Come on' I thought to myself

"Dean Winchester again do you have like a hell wish" I turned around and there was a crossroads demon

"What can I do for you today?" She asked me

"I wanna make a deal" I said

"Of course you do yet again you have done it for Sammy before and you got pulled out so who is it for Sammy again?" She smirked

"It's for Morgan" I said a tear falling

"Oh right your girlfriend soon to be wife right?" She said smugly

"Yes now can you bring her back or not?" I asked

"Sure but it doesn't mean I will I mean if you get out the contract like you did before I would be penalised for that you know" she said

"I promise you just bring her back please and give me my 5 years" I pleaded

"Wow wow Dean I will bring her back but I can't give you 5 years hell cause of how you broke out last time I can't even give you 1 year" she said shockingly

"How long?"

"Well I could actually get in a lot of trouble for this but I am willing to give you time with your girlfriend I will give you 2 weeks" she said

"No way"

"2 weeks is a good offer Dean most crossroads demons would only give you a few hours if that" she added


"Fine have fun burying your girlfriend"  she said walking away


"Fine" I sighed

"We have a deal?" She asked


"Now Dean you do anything to try get out of this she will drop dead so quick"

I pushed my lips against hers sealing the deal



We got back in I went to check on Dean with Morgan but I went in and as I did Morgan woke up gasping for a breath

"Morgan" I ran over


Dean POV

I got back in the car and drove back to Bobbys I pulled up and ran out of the car into the house

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