Chapter 34- Torture

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Dean POV

We locked her in the panic home I took a deep breath and sat with my head in my hands she's still out cold

"Dean are you ok?" Sam asked me

"Not really what do you even do with your wife who's been gone for a year and is a demon and has turned her emotions off"

"Sam Dean she's waking up"

"Can you guys just let me go by myself?"

Sam nodded

"Jess is got the kids upstairs" I nodded and made my way to the panic room where she was sitting awake

"This is the welcome back I get Dean thanks for that shows how much I meant to you" she smirked

"Don't you dare you died and I was broken and I couldn't grieve 24/7 Morgan I had to raise our daughter! So don't act like you never meant anything to me because you know that is the biggest load of bullshit you have ever said to me!" I shouted

"Correct that for you she's YOUR daughter" she replied

"You don't mean that" I said

"How much you wanna bet Dean" she laughed "she's nothing to me and I'm nothing to her"

"If you were nothing to her Morgan why was her first word Mama? I'll tell you why because I spoke about you in front of her everyday!"

"STOP IT" she screamed back at me

"Why because you know there's still some human inside of you that still cares" I stated

"Dean you moved on dammit! I came back to see you with your new fucking girlfriend you dick!" She shouts at me

"Right get angry at me for that even though it's not true because you know what? It means you still care and you have feelings so go let it go have it out with me" I told her

"I saw it Dean"

"That was Palmela who was helping us for a while to try get in contact with you and bring you back from hell! So don't come here and make out you didn't ever mean something to me! You didn't see them nights I was sitting out of my head with grief for the first 2 months Sam took care of Mary, because I was a mess I kept drinking and drinking to numb it I tried to make a deal I tried every witch everything you could think of! I didn't eat for days I sat and I cried and cried and you didn't see that!" I shouted at her she turned her face away from me

"Stop it Dean you are not bringing me back from this" she stated

"Why? Tell you what if you can give me a good enough reason for you to stay like this and leave me I'll let you go and leave you be" I told her

"Dean" she hissed

"Tell me Morgan!"

"Because it doesn't hurt anymore" she shouted "without my feelings I won't get hurt anymore Dean no more pain!" She shouted

"Right ok if you really do have no emotions do it if I untie you" I tested her

"What?" She asked confused

"Kill me Morgan do it" I told her

"Dean don't be stupid" she yelled

"Why? No feelings you won't have a problem with killing me will you?" I told her

"Dean seriously shut up!"

"Well then clearly you're still in there so I'm getting you back you hear me?"

"Dean-" I threw holy water over her and she screamed

"If this is the only way to do it I sure as hell am gonna do it" I said this was killing me but I didn't have a choice I heard a cry

"I'll be back" I said walking out closing the door I saw Sam trying to calm Mary down he handed her to me

"Shh shh shh" I said then started to hum to her

"Sam can you to take a turn down there please" I ask him and he nods

"Sam just not too harsh just easy" I told him he nodded

Jess came through and handed me Mary's food I put Mary in her high chair and gave her, her food by the end of it the place was a mess

"You eat so messy that's exactly what your mummy was like dropping it all over her place" I laughed

Then we heard another cry

"Duty calls" Jess laughed

"Pepe" Mary said

"You wanna watch Peppa on TV?" I asked turning the TV on and then handed her some chocolate buttons she ate them

"Dada" she laughed

"Her speech is coming out now" Jess smiled

"It is clever baby" I smiled at Mary

"Can you watch her?" I asked Jess and Jess nodded and I went back downstairs

"Dean please" Morgan cried

"Dean she's playing tricks on you" Sam said I nodded

"Dean" she cried

"I'm sorry but this is the only way" I said kissing her forehead

"Sam can you give me a minute" I asked him and he nodded and left

"Dean it hurts please" she told me

"Babe I wish I didn't have to do this but I have to I'm sorry baby"

"Dean I swear to god I am going to rip your throat out!" She screamed at me

"I know for a fact I could untie you and you still wouldn't do that Morgan I can see right through you" I told her

"DEAN DEAN" Sam said running in


"Crawley" Sam stated

"what did he do?" I asked

"He's took Mary and Dean and Jess" Sam panicked


"He said send Morgan there or they all stop breathing" I sighed and nodded

"Right listen to me I am sending you to Crawley" I told her "now I don't care demon or not I still trust you because that's your daughter,nephew and sister in law in there"

"Dean" Sam said

"Sam trust me" I told him I untied her and cut the Devils trap she got up

"Go" I told her "we will be right behind you" and she left

"Dean how can you be so sure" Cas asked

"She still has her wedding ring on it was the first thing I noticed" I smiled

"I didn't even notice that" Sam said

"Yeah right lets go Cas track them"

We got to Crawley's lair when Cas told us where he was

"Hello boys" he said sending us flying

"Now you have been the biggest pain in my ass" he said coming towards me with the knife about to lunge it into me

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