Chapter 31- Funeral

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*2 days later*

Dean POV

"Dean if we're gonna do this we should do it" Sam said coming in and I nodded taking a breath

"Jess has took Mary out she's said goodbye to her so she took Mary to give you time and when she gets back its up to you what you do with Mary" Sam smiled

"Right lets go" I said standing up

Me,Bobby,Sam and Cas went outside where her coffin box was Sam got for her I wanted to do this properly Cas went first

"I'm sorry I couldn't get there in time for you, if I would have known you would still be here. I'm gonna miss you so much and I'll help Dean is much as I can like I always promised you. Love you" Cas smiled walking back

Bobby went next

"You were like a daughter to me you know, you were special thank you for making that boy so happy and changing him for the better and he'll be fine don't you worry kid, I love you" Bobby said letting tears fall at that moment the tears ran down my face Sam made his way over

"I am gonna miss you so much Morgan, you were the first one to make Dean Winchester whipped" Sam laughed "you brought out a happier side to him, you made him smile the way I've never seen him smile before, you two proved everyone who ever said hunters can't be happy wrong and you two have brought a beautiful baby into the world and I just want you to know although Dean's stubborn I'll take care of him and make sure he's ok" Sam said letting tears fall and walking away

"Dean do you want us to stay or do you want us to go?"

"Can you give me some time alone please" I asked a tear falling

"Sure I'll come back out to check on you" Sam said patting my back and they all walked back inside the house

I sat beside the coffin

"I never thought this is how it would end you know" I said

"What am I gonna do without you baby?" I asked tears falling "what am I gonna do" I shouted and broke down

"Please just if you hear me come back to me please" I sobbed "I need you and our daughter needs you Morgan I've tried everything to bring you back just please I love you baby" I sobbed

"Dean hey come on" Sam said and helped me up

"Bye baby" I sobbed

Sam took me in the house Bobby hugged me

"You're breaking my heart" Bobby said

"I'm broke Bobby" I sobbed

"I know boy"

"Hey Dean I can watch Mary tonight if-"

"No I'll do it" I replied

"Are you sure?" Sam asked

"Yeah it's what she would want right" I smiled sniffing

Sam nodded

On queue Jess walked in with Mary in her pram

"Hey theres my girl" I smiled going and taking her off Jess

"thank you" I smiled at Jess

"It's ok if you need help just say" she smiled


"That's the coffin down Dean" I nodded

"Right baby lets go see mummy" I said to Mary kissing her head we went outside and sat down

"Hey baby I thought I would bring her to see you before you know it has to be done properly" I said a tear falling

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you baby" I sobbed "I was that busy keeping you safe from monsters i forgot about the typical human deaths you know"

"But I better go get princess here fed and put to bed I'm so sorry princess I love you don't forget that" I placed a photo on top of the coffin of Mary and I

I got back into the house


I was standing over Mary's crib watching her sleep which was at bobby's spare room at the moment we decided it's best to all stay together right now

"You are so beautiful you know that" I smiled down at her

"Just like your mummy, don't you ever forget your mummy loved you baby" I smiled a tear falling

I went downstairs taking the baby monitor

"She ok?" Sam asked

"Yeah she's sound asleep" I replied

"You ok?"

"Sorry Sam but that's a stupid question I'm not ok" then Cas appeared

"Dean there's an issue"

"What?" At that moment in time the monitor started to go off with Mary crying

"Hold that thought" I said running upstairs taking Mary out her crib

"Let's take you downstairs princess" I said carrying her

"You ok with her Dean?" Jess asked and I nodded

She was still crying so I started to bounce her lightly and hum 'Hey Jude' to her like my mum used to do Sam smiled at me and she calmed down

"Right Cas what is it?" I asked

"Morgan isn't in heaven Dean" Cas stated

"Wait what?"

"I was going to see if I could get her out and bring her back but she isn't there which means she's in-"

"Hell" I finished

"Crawley" I hissed

"Right baby you want to go see aunt Jess just now and get fed and you go to bed daddy will be up soon" I said kissing her head handing her to Jess and Jess took her upstairs

"That son of a bitch" I hissed

"Summon him now" I said to Sam

Sam did as I said then Crawley appeared

"Was wondering how long it would take" he sniggered

"Crawley what the hell is she doing down there" I said

"I'm gonna go upstairs and make sure Jess and Mary are ok" Cas said looking at me and I nodded

"she's down there because that's where she was meant to be from when you sold your soul for her Dean I'm keeping the balance"

"Crawley you son of a bitch" I screamed

"You should hear her Dean when she's getting tortured she's screaming for you to save her and help her but you can't Dean because everything you touch dies at that point Sam was about to stab him but he disappeared

"thank you" I said crying

"Dean it's ok"

"it's not though Sam she's down there getting hurt and she's stuck there, no angel nothing can get her out she's actually gone for good"

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