Chapter 12- The truth

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Dean POV

The truth was I never felt human unless it was around her no matter what happens I know it will always be like that

"You know after I got ripped to shreds by them hellhounds I got to hell, the day after Crawley came to get me to give me the last wish he promised to come check if you were ok so I came I saw and I saw you crying your eyes out and I touched your face and I knew you felt it so I kissed you, then me and Crawley went to see Cas then that's when Crawley knew you were pregnant so I begged him to let me see you again I got the news through to you and that was it back to hell Yellow would torture me at least every day he would tell me he was coming to get you and it worried me then as time went on my feelings got more dark, that's when he said he's guaranteeing your safety if he showed me how to be a good demon I took it in a heartbeat so then he let me out about 4 days ago" I said

"4 days? Why did it take you that long to-"

"It never as soon as I was out I came into the room you were in and saw you sleeping I check on you every night" I smiled

"Because I'm a new demon I still have things that can hit my soft spot which is you that does that so yeah that's pretty much it" I said

"I missed you"

"I missed you too"

After we sat and spoke for 2 hours we heard the front door

"Morgan it's been hours come on!" Sam yelled

"I need to go" I said standing up

"Dean please"

"No Morgan they make me mad I will kill them and I can't do that in front of you" I stroked her cheek

"Can I see you again" she asked pleading me

"Morgan I don't think it's a good idea" I said

"Dean please"

"Fine but don't tell them I came Morgan! Meet me here tomorrow when they are asleep" I kissed her forehead and left


Normal POV

"Morgan are you ok?" Sam asked helping me

"Yeah I'm fine thanks"I replied

"He didn't show" I lied

"I'm sorry" Sam said looking sad

I felt bad for lying but it was the only way I could have Dean in my life


I was laying in bed trying to sleep when I opened my eyes again I saw him standing there

"Sorry I was just making sure you were safe" he smiled about to walk out

"Dean wait"

"Yeah?" He replied 

"Stay here with me" I pleaded

"Morgan they could walk in" he said

"And?" I smiled

"They make me angry I have told you this"

I nod

"Look I can go talk to them now so they don't come in if I do that will you stay? Please Dean I haven't slept properly in nearly 3 months" I begged

"Fine" he mumbled

"Be right back" I smiled at him

I walked through where Bobby and Sam were sitting

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