Chapter 19- dying

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Dean POV

"Everybody ok?" I asked

"Yeah we're good few scratches that's it" Sam replied "you?"

"Yeah I'm fine"

"Morgan baby are you ok?" I asked

I turned my head to look at her

"Oh my god" she had blood all over her face

"Dean is she ok?" Sam asked

I checked her pulse

"Dean is she breathing?" Sam questioned

"Barely" I replied

"I will call 911" Sam said

"She'll be ok dean" Jess said to me

"CAS" I shouted

"Dammit" I sighed

"Stay with me baby ok? Don't you give up on me we promised" I said not letting go of her hand

"They're gonna be here in a few minutes Dean" Sam smiled

"You're going be ok" I told her kissing her head

The ambulance finally came and got us all out the car there was two ambulances

"Right you need to go two and two" the man said

"I will go with her"

"We'll see you there Dean" Jess and Sam smiled

I nodded and got in the back of the ambulance with her they started saying a lot of stuff I didn't understand they gave me a few stitches too


One thing I couldn't stand was waiting at hospitals which I'm doing right now with Sam and Jess

"There's a motel right next door Dean I was going to book that later" I nodded

"I better call bobby" Sam stated

"I'll do it you stay" Jess smiled taking Sam's phone

"It's going to be ok Dean" Sam told me

"I don't know Sam and where the hell is Cas?!" I shouted

"Dean I get you're stressed ok but this isn't doing anything you need to calm down" Sam told me I sighed and nodded

"Mr Winchester"

I stood up


"We have your wife stable at the moment but you need to know how bad her injuries were" the doctor said

"What is it she's got doc?" I asked

"Well she's lost a lot of blood,one of her lungs collapsed, and a couple of broken ribs" the doctor looked sympathetically

"Right now we need to wait and see how she is when she wakes up well if"

"She'll wake up I know it can we see her?"

"Of course go ahead stay as long as you'd like if you talk to her it could help" he smiled Jess came back on queue

"Bobby is going to come here he's on his way"

"Right well do you wanna go check into that motel with Bobby I mean he'll be 5 minutes tops"

"Sure" Jess smiled leaving to meet Bobby

"Let's go" Sam said patting my back we walked into the room it killed me to see her like that

"Hey sweetheart" I said walked in and sitting in the chair next to her bed

"Hey Morgan" Sam smiled

"Seems like nothing good can go right for us huh? Keep fighting in there for me baby please I can't lose you again" I pleaded

"Oh my god" I heard Cas say

"It's about fricking time Cas" I said

"What happened" he asked

"Heal her ask questions later" Cas came over and touched her forehead

"Cas why is not working"

"Dean I think you should be worried I hate to say it" Cas stated

"What Cas why can't you heal her?"

"The only time I can't heal someone is if a reaper is after them" he stated

"No" I said tears falling

"Baby come on don't you dare give into that reaper I need you here you gotta believe me"

"Come on" Sam said

I started sobbing

"Dean what's going on?" Bobby asked

"The reapers after her Bobby cause Cas can't heal her" I sobbed into my hands

"Dean hey calm down" Sam said

"I can't lose her Sam I cant"

"I'll be back"


I had to summon the crossroads demon

"Dean again this is becoming more regular you know" she grinned

"I need a deal"

"Dean I can't I wish I could I swear but I can't we can't make anymore deals with you I'm sorry" she said and then she disappeared

"Dammit" I shouted

"Dean please tell me you didn't" Bobby said walking in

"They won't make anymore deals with me so you're good" I said annoyed

"She would kill you if you made another deal for her"

I nodded and went back to her room

"Can I have some time alone please guys"

"Yeah sure" they all left and went to the motel

"Look I need you to listen to me Morgan if you can send demons flying on their asses you can very easily beat a reaper, look you are my rock I don't say it but you are you and Sam you're all I got you keep me sane and I can't live without you here" I kissed her hand

"Look I feel like you're in here somewhere so please just listen to me ok? I need you" I sighed

Normal POV

I can't believe I'm standing here with a reaper watching myself die

"He's better off Tessa I mean he can find a new girl get a new life have kids I can't give him that"

"Is that seriously what you believe? Let me take you to see what would actually happen if you left him Morgan"

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