Chapter 27- Panic

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Dean POV

We were in the thing we were hunting's house

"There is no link to all these women dying I just don't get it" Morgan sighed walking through behind me

My phone rang

"Bobby you got something?" I questioned

"Dean are you at the house?" Bobby questioned sounding worried

"Yeah with Sam and Morgan, cause Jess felt sick why? Bobby" I asked

"Dean I found the link all of these girls were about 6 weeks pregnant I dug into it at the hospital they are feeding off the children you need to get Morgan out of there now" Bobby said hanging up

Then the door slammed shut

"Son of a bitch" I muttered to myself

"Dean what is it?" Sam asked

"The link between the girls they were all about 6 weeks pregnant" I said getting worried

"I need to get you out of here baby" I said kissing Morgan's head

"DEAN" I heard her shout the minute Sammy and I turned round to find a way out and she was gone

"No no no" I shouted

"You son of a bitch I will get you if you hurt them" I screamed

"Dean calm down ok this isn't going to help just breathe" Sam said breaking down a different door

"Morgan babe!" I shouted looking for her

Then I saw it it ate from her neck

"No!" I shouted then Bobby came from behind and took the things head off

"No no no" I said running to Morgan and checked her pulse

"She's breathing we need to get to a hospital now" I shouted picking her up Sam took the car keys and we got in the car I took my flannel shirt off and placed it on her neck where the blood was pouring out

"Stay with me baby" I said kissing her forehead

"That goes for you too princess you keep fighting" I said placing my hand on Morgan's stomach a tear falling

We pulled up at the hospital and I ran out the car with her

"Help" I shouted running into the hospital with her

"What happened" a doctor said running

"Animal attack" I replied "please help her she's my wife and she's 6 weeks pregnant" I said laying her on the stretcher

"You stay here sir we will do all we can" the doctor said running off with her at that point I fell to the floor and Sam came running in and hugged me a tear falling down his face

"It's gonna be ok Dean I promise they'll be ok"

"I can't lose them Sam I cant" I sobbed


Me,Sam and Bobby were sitting in the waiting room drinking coffee

"Has someone told Jess" I asked

Sam nodded

"She says to keep her posted she's still not feeling great" Sam replied

"Mr Winchester" I heard the doctor say

"That's me" I said standing up

"Well we managed to stop your wife's bleeding and stitched up her neck, it's just a matter right now of waiting for her to wake up but I'm sure she's going to be just fine" the doctor smiled

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