Chapter 13- Lost In Communication

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Normal POV


"I want to believe that but we have no proof and you can't be sure that he's not dangerous if you haven't even-" he stopped himself

"You've been seeing him haven't you?" He asked calmly

"Yes I have"

"Why didn't you say anything?" He asked

"Because Sam he pretty much begged me not to and I didn't want to make him run away" I said

"When did you last see him?"

"This morning he literally just left" I sighed

"Morgan you need to get him here so we can talk"

"Sam he'll only talk to me he doesn't want to see you or Bobby basically I'm the only human trigger he's got" I said

"Ok just keep doing what you're doing as long as you're sure you are safe with him" Bobby said

I nodded


It was later at night then Cas showed up

"I heard everything you said" Cas said sternly

"I didn't want it to come to this Morgan I'm sorry but it was the only way" Cas said

"What are you-" I fell to the ground in major pain I started screaming and started coughing up blood

"Cas what the hell are you doing" Sam asked

"Sam don't make me do this to you" Cas froze Sam to the spot

"Cas leave her alone!" Sam shouted

I started to cry and I had blood pouring out of my side I screamed again in pain

"Cas please" I said coughing up blood again

"It's the only way" he said sternly


I heard his voice and Dean ran in and tackled Cas to the ground and started punching him then he was about to stab Dean

"NO" I screamed at that moment in time he disappeared Sam was able to move and Dean got up and looked at Sam with a blank expression I started coughing and sobbing in pain

"Hey hey Morgan you're ok" Dean said running over to me

"It hurts" I cried

"I know I know" he replied rubbing my cheek

"Right I'm going to pick you up and lie you on the sofa ok?"

I nodded he picked me up I hissed in pain

"Sorry it's ok" he said putting me down gently

"Right I need to have a look at your side let me see" he said lifting my top up

"Right it's pretty bad you need stitches I will clean it then stitch it for you ok?" He said gently I nodded

"I'm surprised at you" Dean said to Sam walking around getting everything

"What do you mean?" Sam asked

"I mean I thought you would have took Cas's side" he stated

"No Dean look I can see there's still apart of you in there considering you came knowing it was a trap" Sam

"Yeah well I heard her scream" he replied

They made their way back over to me

"Here" Dean said handing me the bottle of whiskey

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