Chapter 25- wedding day

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Normal POV

"Jess you look amazing" I smiled

"Thank you, I'm crapping myself did you get like this?" She asked

"Yeah I did actually I got worried over nothing you will be fine" she nodded and took a breath

"You two look amazing" Cas said appearing

"Cas you gotta stop doing that now I get why Dean gets snappy with you for that" I laughed

"Sorry" he said

"How's Sam and Dean and Bobby?" I asked him

"They're great at this moment in time I think Dean is more scared than Sam he feels like he is going to mess everything up" Cas laughed

"Right it's time are you two ready Jess?" Cas asked

"Yeah" she said linking into Cas we began to walk down the isle


I saw her walk down the isle and smiled and she smiled back. Cas was also the type of priest marrying us

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to join Sam and Jessica in Holy Matrimony"

"Sam Wilt thou have this Woman to thy wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honour, and keep her in sickness and in health and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, so long as you both shall live?"

"I will" I smiled

"Jessica Wilt thou have this man to thy wedded husband to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou love him comfort him, honour, and keep him in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?"

"I will" Jess smiled

"Right now Jessica would you like to say your vows"

"Sam I never thought we'd get here and that we'd actually be getting somewhere and would be able to keep our happiness and make each other happy you are my rock you always have been and you always will be" she smiled

"Jess I thought I lost you for good and that was the worst I've ever felt when I lost you but we got here eventually and I could not ask for anybody more perfect"

"Right shall we do the rings" Dean handed me Jess's ring and Morgan handed Jess mine

"Sam do you take Jessica to be your lawfully wedded wife"

"I do" I smiled putting the ring on her finger

"Jessica do you take Sam to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do" she smiled putting the ring onto my finger

"I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride" I crashed my lips onto Jess's


We now arrived at the after party well me,Jess,Dean,Morgan,Bobby and Cas that was it here

"Here's the couple for their first dance" Bobby shouted

Me and Jess walked in and we decided our first dance song would be just the way you are by Bruno Mars we swayed side to side

"I'm so in love with you" I smiled at Jess

"Good thing I'm in love with you too" she laughed


Further into the night and it watch speech time

"Right thank you for you guys who are here there's only a small group of us but I do believe we are the closest group anybody could get" I smiled

"Thank you to my best men Dean and Bobby, thank you to Morgan for stepping in and being Jess's maid of honour, also thank you to Cas for giving Jess away and also marrying us we couldn't have had anyone better"

"Now you guys give your speeches Morgan you're up" I laughed

"Well what to say Jess you are honestly such an amazing person and Sam couldn't get anybody better the way you two look at each other is something special and Jess you look beautiful and we have gotten so close over the past few months and that's been amazing. Sam there's nothing more I love than seeing you this happy honestly I remember when Dean was in hell you were always the one looking out for me and I can't thank you enough for that I love you both" Morgan smiled

I kissed Jess next it was Bobby

"Sam what can I say boy you ain't had it easy I have known you, your whole life I babysat you when you were months old, me and you ain't got on great 24/7 but what family does you have been like the son I never had Sam you and your brother. You have never failed to amaze me you were the first one to stand up to your father even at 8 years old, Dean envied that, you have also proved every hunter wrong we can get our happy endings we just gotta believe we can I love you boy" Bobby smiled I nodded it was deans turn Dean stood up

"Sammy first of all I wanna say I'm so proud of you man honestly there's no words. Now everybody knows that I'm Sam's older brother and that I always took care of him and protected him and saved his bitchy ass a countless number of times. But although I never admit it he has also took care of me sometimes not in the obvious ways, I remember being a teenager and Sam being a little kid and I used to get upset because dad wasn't around or sometimes I'd cry over mum and Sam would come over and say to me 'Dean it's ok to break I've got you and you've got me' and that's always stuck in my head everyday. If it wasn't for you Sammy I would have gave up a long time ago I would have more than likely messed things up with Morgan. But yeah Sam I'm proud of you and no joke dad would be too and mum will be beyond proud of the man you have become Sam I love you" Dean smiled

"Now guys Morgan told me not to do this but I want to she was going to be telling Dean something tomorrow"

Normal POV

I knew Jess would do this

"Morgan come here" I stood up and went beside her

"She wanted us to have our day but I honestly can't wait any longer so Morgan has an announcement to make" Jess smiled Dean looked at me confused same as Bobby and Cas

"I'm pregnant" I smiled

"What?" Dean said coming up to me

"Are you serious?" Dean questioned I nodded

He pushed his lips to mine

"We are going to have a baby" he smiled and kissed me again

"Well congrats man" Sam said hugging Dean then me followed by Bobby and Cas

"Right now there's one more thing me and Jess decided we wanted to do"

"Morgan and Dean got their wedding but they had it knowing Dean was going to die a week later so I want them to have their dance but a nice one this time" Sam stated

Dean POV

Someone like you started to play and me and Morgan stated to dance and also Sam and Jess

"We done it" Sam mouthed to me and I smiled

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