Chapter 10- He's here

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Normal POV

"SAM SAM" I yell running out the room

"WHATS WRONG" he asked getting panicked

"Dean was here" I said getting into Bobbys living room

"Wait what? You saw him?" He questioned

"No but I felt him here Sam I know he was here I felt it"

"What do you mean you felt it?" He asked

"I felt his presence on me Sam and he rubbed my stomach and that explained why I have been sick for mornings on end Sam I'm pregnant" I said looking down

"Congrats" he smiled "I'm sorry though you know you find this out now" she sighed

"But look Morgan I think you may be so grief stricken and shocked that you are-"

"You don't believe me do you?" I said upset

"I don't know" he sighed

"Well you should" Crowley appeared out of no where

"Crowley what are you doing here"

"I am letting you both know I gave Dean his chance to check how you both were I promised him that before he went so yes he was here" he said looking at me

"So he did kiss me?" I asked a tear falling

Crowley nodded

"Congratulations by the way and if it helps Dean had a massive smile on his face when I told him" he smiled

I started to cry

"He wanted me to tell you, he loves you both and that he knows you're strong enough to do this"

"Why are you doing this Crowley?" Sam asked a bit suspicious

"Look I never wanted Dean down there in the first place Sam ok, he's helping you guys bring these things down I don't want lucifer winning and the place being damaged I like it balanced, plus I don't usually admit this but I feel for Morgan and Dean" he said looking down

"You guys should be celebrating your child but no he's in hell and you're here" he sighed

"Can you bring him back Crowley" I asked pleading in my voice

"I wish I could but with lucifer back this is totally out of my hands"

"Is he ok?" I ask

"He's not exactly ok but he's not the worse I help him as much as I can, lucifer tortures him every so often but it's lucifers words that get to him more" he sighs

"What does he say?" I ask

Crowley shakes his head

"Please" I beg

"Lucifer told him about literally 40 minutes ago that he will come get you and drag you down there with him and make him torture you" he sighed "that won't happen Morgan but he just says it to get a reaction"

"Right I better go" and he left

"I'm sorry" Sam sad to me

"It's ok I get it I probably wouldn't have believed you if it happened to you either" I laughed lightly

*2 months later*

I was lying in the spare room

"Hey Morgan Cas is here you wanna come talk we were going to remember Dean" Bobby said smiling lightly

"Sure" I smiled and wiped my tears away

Bobby put his arm around me and we walked through I haven't really come out for the past week but they understood

"Look who decided to join us" Sam smiled at you

"Hey Morgan I missed you" Cas said hugging you

"I missed you too" i smiled

"How are you dealing with the loss of well-"

"It's ok Cas you can say baby it's fine it just wasn't meant to be" I sighed

We all got to talking remembering everything

"Remember when Sam didn't break the car properly and it rolled down that hill" Bobby laughed

"That wasn't funny Bobby Dean got so pissed at me for that" Sam said seriously causing you to laugh

"I remember him coming back that night and using the words 'Sam has broke my heart' I was like what then he said 'Sam hurt my car'" I laughed

"Remember when Dean told us he was going to propose" Cas smiled I smiled happily

"We were all sitting in our motel room and he came through from his and Morgan's and the look on his face" Sam laughed

"He was petrified" Cas laughed

"But Dean was the first hunter to get someone and stay happy for a long time" Bobby smiled at me

We all smiled

"Remember when he refused to let Morgan hunt for years and then she started and saved his ass so many times" Sam chucked

"What sticks most in your head Morgan?" Sam questioned

"Our first date" I smiled

"I remember Jo and everyone telling me 'Dean Winchester is a player' but when I got there he wasn't he was Dean you know I remember him saying 'I want to take things slow with us' that's when I knew he was my everything you know he listened, he was honest from day one" I said tears beginning to stream

Sam moved next to me and let me cry into him

"Tell you what I remember the night after I think it was your 2nd date and he said to me 'Sammy I have fell for her she's changing me she means something she's special we're special' Dean felt worth it when he was with you and that was something Dean would never be able to feel" Sam smiled rubbing my back letting a tear fall himself

"No chick flick moments Sam gosh" I said pushing him away laughing trying to lighten the mood

"Funny" Sam said giving a sarcastic laugh

"I feel bad sometimes you know me and him had so many stupid fights like I said things I didn't mean to him all of the time" Sam mumbled

"Brothers fight Sam like over anything I fought with him too I mean remember that time me and him were in that bad of a mood we started arguing over pies" I laughed

Sam nodded and smiled

"I think I'm going to go to bed" I smiled

"Okay Morgan sleep tight" Sam hugged me

"Night" Bobby smiled

"Night Morgan" Cas smiled



"How is she really doing?" Cas asked me

"She's ok for someone who lost her husband and child in the time of two months" I said honestly

"Yeah" Bobby nodded

"She's doing better though like she came through here which is good for her, she's been eating 3 times a day again, just need to take baby steps" I smiled


"Okay night I need sleep"
I laughed I walked to my spare room passing Morgan's on the way I peaked in to check on her

She was hugging into one of Deans old shirts I smiled as she slept I walked into my room and turned the light off



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