Chapter 30- The Unexpected

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Dean POV

I felt a surge of worry and I rushed to her side

"Right hey look at me keep calm ok everything is going to be fine" I said rubbing her back

"Sam what the hell do i do" I whispered to him as he stood beside me

"Dean you need to just calm down for her sake and I'm sorry we don't know where we are and the last hospital I saw was nearly 2 hours away so I think Morgan is going to need to give birth in her car" Sam stated to me

"Dammit nothing can go simple" I sighed

"Right look Sam you are the closest we have to a doctor so you are going to need to deliver this baby, Jess you sit in the front seat, Dean get Morgan lying down and for good sake help her you idgit she's in pain!" Bobby exclaimed I nodded and we all did what he said I sat behind Morgan her head in my lap

"Dean it hurts so much" she screamed

"I know I know but I'm here ok I'm not leaving" I said kissing her head

Sam got everything we could possibly get to help deliver mine and Morgan's baby safely

"Right Dean I need your jacket so we have something to wrap her up in when we she comes" I took my coat off and handed him it

"Right Morgan I have checked and to me it looks like you really can't push yet ok so no matter how much you feel you have to don't do it" Sam said "Dean keep her distracted"

"Look baby I know this isn't exactly the way we wanted it to happen but this is how it was meant to be, I know this was meant to be in a hospital and a place where they can give you stuff for the pain but clearly Mary likes to kick up a fuss like me" I laughed "so I need you to be brave for me can you do that?" I asked smiling and she nodded

"Oh god" she screamed out

"Shh shh it's ok babe it's nearly over you'll be fine" I reassured


After hours of watching Morgan in awful pain

"Morgan I think you need to push now" Sam smiled and she nodded

"Right next contraction you push" Sam said

Morgan nodded then the next contraction hit

"Owww" she said pushing

"That's it baby push" I smiled rubbing her back she leant back

"Dean I don't think I can do this" she said tears falling

"Hey hey you can you're doing really well" I smiled kissing her

"Right Morgan you gotta push" Sam said she nodded


"Right Morgan one more big push" Sam said and Morgan squeezed my hand then we all heard a cry

"There we go" Sam smiled "Dean do you want to come cut the cord" I got up and went and cut the cord and Sam wrapped her up and handed her to me

"You're so beautiful"

"Oh my god" we heard Jess and Bobby say smiling

"Hey baby" I smiled kissing her head

I took her around to see Morgan and placed her in her arms

"Look what we did" I smiled

"She looks exactly like you already you know" Morgan smiled

"I love you both look after her" she smiled handing me Mary and I smiled and then she blacked out

"Morgan hey" I shouted Sam ran over checking for a pulse

"Dean no she's not breathing"

"Dammit" I shouted

"Bobby here take her" I said handing him Mary

We got Morgan out the car and onto the ground

"No no not like this" I cried

"Not now come on" I said beginning to give her CPR

"CAS" Sam shouted he was there in a flash

"What is it" he said appearing

"Heal her Cas" I cried to him he came and tried to but it didn't work

"Cas" I said

"Dean she's gone"

"No no no what do you mean she's gone?!" I shouted

"Dean it was the birth it just happened I'm so sorry Dean" Cas said letting a tear fall I pulled her onto my knee

"It wasn't meant to happen like this not now" I cried and kissed her head

Jess and Sam started crying and Bobby too

"She needs you how can I raise our daughter without you" I sobbed into her hair

"Please come back to me"


*the next day*

We were back at Bobby's I sat beside her lifeless body

"Dean you know we'll have to-" Cas began to say

"No Cas I'm not burning her ok she's going to need to have her body when she comes back"

Sam came in and I heard a cry

"Dean Mary won't settle she needs you" Sam said I went out and took her in my arms

"Hey now what's all the noise about hmm princess? You're ok" I began to bounce her around making her stop crying

"That's daddy's good girl" I smiled

"Do you want me to take her for a bit?" Bobby asked and I nodded

"Right come on sweetie give daddy some time alone" Bobby smiled at her

I smiled to myself

"I'll be back" I shouted

I only had one place I could turn to...


"I want to make a deal" I said to the demon

"No can do Dean sorry" she replied


"Because we are not allowed to make any deals with you Winchester boys anymore it's now the rules"

"Please I am going to have a daughter growing up without her mother please" I pleaded

"I'm sorry Dean I really am" I headed back to bobby's

"Dean what did you do?!" Sam shouted at me

"Nothing Sam ok she won't bring her back ok! Now please explain how I am going to raise a daughter her without her freaking mother!" I shouted back

"Dean it'll-"

I cut him off

"Don't give me the whole it'll be ok thing Sam ok because the truth it it won't!" I shouted tears began streaming

"Dean" Sam said pulling me into a hug

"I'm here" Sam said patting my back

"I just don't know how I am gonna do it Sammy a daughter needs her mother" I cried

"Yeah but she needs her daddy too and Morgan's last words to you were take care of her she knows you can do it ok you can do this Dean be strong for her" Sam smiled at me

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