Chapter 33- Emotions

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*skips to Mary's first birthday *

Dean POV

"Happy birthday my baby" I said picking Mary up I took her downstairs where Sam,Jess,Dean and Cas were

"There's the birthday girl" Sam said taking her from me and she let out a giggle

"Happy birthday" Jess said kissing her head

"Happy birthday beautiful" Cas smiled

"Right lets go open your presents" I smiled taking her after going through her presents with her

"Mama" she smiled

"Did she just?" Sam smiled

"Yeah baby mama loves you wherever she is" I smiled kissing her head

"Go see uncle Cas" I said giving her to Cas

"I'm gonna get her bottle done and get some food" I smiled I went through the kitchen and stared out the window

"You ok Dean?" Sam asked coming behind me

"A whole year Sam" I said looking at my wedding ring

"I know but you've done amazing this past year with raising Mary you know that right?"

"I guess I'd just give anything for her to meet her mother you know even more so now she's growing up" we heard a voice

"Hello!" We heard Pamela say


Normal POV

Crawley let me out I don't know what I've even become

"You ready?" He smirked

"Yeah remember you said we can go see them first before I decide but make sure they can't see us"

He nodded we appeared it was roughly about 8pm

We were in the kitchen and I saw Dean I smiled as he lit the candles on the birthday cake

"Right here comes cake I'd rather have pie but tough going I guess" he laughed

He carried the cake through and I heard them singing happy birthday to Mary

"Are you gonna go see her?" Crawley asked I nodded and walked through and saw Dean with her on his lap she looked exactly like him I smiled and a tear ran down my cheek

"Mama" she said and my heart broke

"She said it this morning by the way" Crawley said to me I nodded

Then I saw a women come behind Dean and hug him and kiss his cheek my heart broke and tears fell from my eyes

"I told you he moved on you just had to see it for yourself" he stated to me

"Ok I'm done" he zapped us outside

"I'm ready I'll do it.. I'll turn my emotions off" I stated

*1 week later*

I felt great reckless and happy to be honest you know a year in hell well 120 years down there changed me I sat in a bar after a while I went and sat outside. I went off on a walk.


Dean POV

"That's it there's daddy's sleepy girl" I said placing Mary in her crib I took the monitor and went back downstairs

"She asleep?" Sam smiled and I nodded

"Dean there's an issue" Cas appeared out of no where

"What now Cas it's Mary's birthday and Morgan's anniversary of her death-"

"She's back Dean" Cas said

"What? Morgan?" I asked

"Yes Dean but she's back as a demon" Cas swallowed

"No" I shouted

"Dean she's not only a demon she's turned her feelings off"

"What so what does that mean?" I asked

"It means you could have brought her back to normal human easily but she's turned her emotions off so she doesn't feel anything"

"DAMMIT" I shouted

"Why would she do that" I shouted

"Because of me" Crawley appeared

"You son of a bitch" I shouted punching him

"Now now"

"She turned it off because she saw you with Pamela earlier and I convinced her it was your new girlfriend" Crawley laughed

"You dick!" I shouted

"You should of saw her face she looked upset I hope she doesn't go on a killing spree or I do" he laughed

"Crawley you let her go!"

"Dean I'm sorry I'm not in charge of her anymore she's off on her own if you want her you gotta find her" then he disappeared

"This can't be happening" I said putting my head in my hands

"Dean it's gonna be ok" Sam said "we will get her back"

"Sam she's turned her emotions off" I stated

"Although she has Dean we can still try" Cas said

"What do you mean?"

"I mean even though she's turned the emotions off there's always a way to get the humanity switch back on"

I nod

"So we start looking tomorrow?" I ask

Sam&Jess nodded

"Who's gonna take the kids?" Sam asked

"I'll watch them" Pamela said coming from upstairs

"No you can't I appreciate it but if Morgan sees you she will rip your head off literally"

"I'll stay" Jess smiled

"Thank you" I smiled

"Right so Dean you were a demon where would be the first place a demon would go?" Sam asked

"A bar" I laughed

"Okay now do you want to go tonight "

"Yeah Sammy if she kills she'll just snap and that's her" I said

"You do know this isn't going to be easy we will need to put her through pain right Dean?"

"I know but I just need to get to her"


After a while of driving we pulled up at a bar that Cas lead us to and I saw her


"Dean" she smirked

"Come on you can come home and we can fix this" I told her

"No I like this Dean it's more fun" she laughed

"I knew you'd say that I'm sorry" and Sam knocked her out from behind

"Right we need to get her in the boot of the car and get back fast and tie her before she gets loose" Sam said

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