Chapter 17- Safety

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*a week later*

Normal POV

I can't believe I was doing this summoning the one and only Michael

"How can I help you" he smirked

"I need a favour if I am going to win this yellow eyes battle for you"

"Of course go ahead" he said

"I need Dean and Sam's safety guaranteed" I said sternly

"That I can arrange" he smiled

"Ok thank you" he disappeared

I sighed in relief my stomach hurt again this time I collapsed to the ground

"Morgan" Cas said coming in

"I need to tell him" he said

"Cas please don't"

"What is it?" Dean asked walking in

"Morgan's pregnant" Cas said

"Cas" I hissed

"She didn't want you to know" Cas said

"Why not Morgan what is it you know I would never leave you"

"Dean the child was conceived when you were a demon so the child inside her is demonic it is tearing her apart from the inside" Cas stated

"How could you not tell me this?" Dean asked angry

"I know you wouldn't let me keep it"

"She won't survive Dean if it grows inside her, it isn't compatible with her body" Cas exclaimed

"Can you get it out of her?" He asked

"Yes but she would never let me"

"Well she's about to let you Morgan we are getting that thing out of you" he said sternly

"Dean this is your child too" I snapped

"Morgan you can't handle it,it's killing you ok now listen we can try for another baby ok and we can have a human one but I can't get another you" he said "please we just got each other back"

I sighed and nodded a tear fell

"Thank you" he said

"Right Dean I need to do this alone I will shout on you when I'm done" he nodded and walked out


Dean POV

I heard her screaming I was sitting trying to hold it in Cas walked out

"It's done" he said I walked in

"You ok?" I asked

"Yeah" she said her voice cracking

"Can I just go train now please" she asked and I nodded


I sat upstairs with dad

"Is she ok?" My dad asked

"I don't even know dad I mean that's two kids in a short amount of time you know" I sighed

"You guys can try again once all this blows over" I nod

"Dean can I talk to you" Cas asked I nodded

"Dean look Morgan is in her room crying her eyes out she needs you"

"What-" Cas cut me off

"The damage that was done inside her Dean will prevent her from having children" Cas sighed I nodded

"I'm sorry"

"Go" dad smiled

I got into the room and she was curled up into a ball sobbing I lay in bed behind her and pulled her into me

"Shh it's ok I know I know I'm here" I comforted I wanted to cry but I know I couldn't

"You should leave me" she blurted out

"Not a chance" I said sternly

"Dean I'm an awful wife and we've been married for like 5 months pretty much and I can't even have children and we had a future planned and now I can't give that to you" she sobbed into me

"Hey you look at me" I said pulling her face to meet mine "you ARE my future you hear me? And we will keep trying and if that doesn't work we will find a way around it! Ok don't ever think for a minute this is your fault" I said kissing her forehead

"I'm not good enough for you" she cried

"If you weren't good enough for me would I still be here nearly 7 years on? Just calm down ok you are fine and we will get through this"I said

"You and me we are a team ok?" I looked at her

"Ok" she smiled lightly


I got out of bed a while after Morgan fell asleep I grabbed a beer and sat with dad,Sam and Bobby

"Dean I'm sorry" Sam said

"It's ok" I said looking down

"She's blaming herself again" I started to cry

"Dean it's ok" Sam said hugging me

"She's honestly believing this was all her fault and it wasn't if anything it was mine I shouldn't have had unprotected sex with her while I was a demon" I said

"Dean you two were just happy to see each other it happens" dad said

"I'm gonna hit the sheets boys night" Bobby said

"Night" we all said back

"Dean you know this isn't your fault right" Sam said


I heard sobs coming from the bedroom

"That's my queue night guys" I went through

"Morgan sweetheart are you up?"

"Mmm" she replied

"Do you wanna come through and sit with me Sam and Dad for a while it might do you some good" I said turning the light on and crouching down next to the bed

"Ok" she sniffed

"Come on then" I smiled standing up and taking her hand

"Guys Morgan is going to join us for a while" I said going downstairs

"Cool" Sam and dad said in unison

I sat on the sofa pulling Morgan on my knee and pulled a blanket over us

"Does anybody feel like hunting tomorrow?" Sam asked

"Yeah me" Morgan replied

"Me too"I smiled

"Well it looks like there's a shapeshifter case not too far out if you guys wanna come with me tomorrow"

"Sounds good" I said


After a while of talking and laughing Sam smiled at me

"What?" I asked

"She's sound asleep"

"I'm going to go to bed" I said standing up carrying Morgan


I walked upstairs with her and gently placed her on the bed and pulled the cover over her, I got in myself and pulled her into me

"I love you" she mumbled

"I love you too babe" I smiled

"Sorry for being a mess" she replied yawning

"You aren't a mess now sleep" I said kissing her cheek

Hunters Happy Ending?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon