Chapter 24- Battle

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Dean POV

"Michael" I shouted walking around trying to find him then I saw Morgan sitting there tied up and her face all tear stained

"Oh god" I said running over to her and undoing the ropes and taking the tape off her mouth

"Dean" she sobbed

"It's ok I'm here now" I said pulling her into my chest

"Are you hurt?" I asked her

"A little just scratches and my ankle hurts and my ribs but nothing too drastic" she said

"Yet" I heard Michael butt in

"You son of a bitch" I said standing up

"No Dean now just remember I can still do things to hurt her" he smirked

"What do you want Michael" I asked

"I want you to agree this time"

"Not a chance in hell Michael"

"Ok" he smiled then Morgan started screaming in pain

"What the hell Michael stop"


"Dean don't do it" Morgan said crying

"Dean we are talking a year until it happens"

"But you know if you don't want to Dean then you can just live alone and lonely and sad because she's going to be dead in 3 minutes if you don't hurry up" Michael smirked

"FINE" I shouted "fine ok yes I'll do it" I said

"Good boy" michael smiled

At that moment Cas appeared and healed Morgan

"Cas did you just-"

"Heal your ankle and everything yeah" Cas smiled

"Bye Dean see you soon" Michael smiled

"Baby hey look at me" I said taking Morgan's face "are you ok?" She nodded

"Just feel a little shocked and scared but I'm ok" she smiled

"Dean why did you agree to?"

"Look it'll be fine but I had no other choice ok?" She sighed

"Let's go" I said helping her up

I took her hand and walked with her and Cas to the car me and Morgan jumped in the back

"What the hell happened" Sam asked

"Dean agreed to Michael" Cas stated


"Look if I didn't agree Morgan was going to die ok I'm sorry" Sam nodded Cas disappeared

"Cas fixed Morgan's ribs and ankle it worked" Dean smiled

"You ok Morgan?" Sam asked

"I guess" she said cuddling into my side

"Let's just go" Sam stated

"We have a hunt anyway it's like a 24 hour drive" Sam said

"Shifts driving then?" I asked

"Yeah I'll drive the first 12 hours then you drive the next so you sleep" Sam smiled

I pulled Morgan onto my knee

"Sleep baby don't be scared you're safe now" I soothed her she slowly began to dose off when I played with her hair

"Dean are you not going to sleep?" Sam asked

"I'll wait just now I just wanna make sure she sleeps a while"

"She doing ok?" Jess asked

"Yeah just think she got a bit scared"

"Dean you know how you agreed to Michael when urm you-"

"A year from today" I replied

Sam nodded

"We will figure this out Dean"

"I hope so anyway change the subject wedding planning" I smiled

"Well Jess has her dress and Morgan's got her bridesmaid dress so yeah everything's going good I nearly have my vows done as you know I don't know where Jess is with hers" Sam laughed

"She's finished hers" Morgan mumbled

"Can't sleep?" I laughed at her

"No" she sat in the seat next to me and lay her head on my shoulder

"Can I see your bridesmaid dress" I asked her

"Hmm Jess what do you think?" She asked

"No he doesn't get to see" she laughed

"Sorry Dean"

"So what are we hunting?" Morgan asked

"Well we think it's a shapeshifter but we aren't too sure" I smiled

"Do I get to come now my ankle and everything's all better?" She asked me

"Yes you can come but I'm gonna make sure you are not too rusty and help you a bit before we actually go hunt it so Sammy and Jess can go find out what's going on and I will help you" I said kissing her

"Ok" she smiled kissing me again it lasted longer this time

"Guys we have a long drive ahead yet can you both get a room when we get there please" Sam chucked

"You're such a buzz kill" I told him

"would you mind driving so me and Jess can sleep?" Sam asked

"Of course not just pull over" Sam pulled over and I got in the drivers seat and Morgan got in the passengers seat Sam and Jess got in the back already falling asleep I started to drive

"I love you, you know that" I smiled telling her

"Yeah I know" she smiled "I love you too"

My phone rang

"Can you get that?" I asked Morgan

"Hello" she said

"It's Bobby he wants to talk to you it's important" I pulled over


"Dean did you agree to Michael"

"Yes Bobby ok but I had no choice he was going to kill Morgan Bobby"

"Ok but lucifer came to pay me a visit"

"Wait what?"

"He wants me to be his vessel Dean I didn't agree to it Dean what in the hell are we going to do"


"Right just be careful Dean ok don't worry"

"Ok Bobby you too bye"

"What is it?" Morgan asked

"Bobby is meant to be lucifers vessel" I sighed

"Right lets go" I said starting to drive beginning to go deep into my thoughts

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