Chapter 15- Crossroad Hell

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Normal POV

"Wait it isn't them! It's a crossroad demon and Jo"

"What? What's a crossroad demon here for?"

"To talk to you" it replied

"Jo you-"

"Relax I don't want to argue the dealer here wants to talk to you"

"Like hell he is" Dean said

"Dean it's fine just go sit through there with them"

"Yeah sure after this" he said walking over to Jo

"You son of a bitch you turned to them Jo you killed her and you pretty much sent me to hell" he said breaking her neck

"Fair to me didn't like her anyway" the crossroad demon smirked "now Sam,Dean,Cas and John you go and let us talk" they walked out

"What do you want?" I asked it

"I want to make you an offer, you want Dean fully human again right?"

"Of course" I replied

"Then how about this I do that for you and I get your soul come back for you in a year" he asks

"I um" you knew if you did this Dean would never forgive you

"No" I whispered

"What" he replied

"No" I said getting angry then he was gone

Dean ran in

"Please for the love of god tell me you didn't" he said grabbing my face

"I didn't"

"Really?" He said not believing me

"I promise Dean I didn't I knew you'd get pissed" I sighed

He hugged me with relief

"Hey Dean" I heard the voice it was Zachariah

"No" I scream when they stabbed him in the back

"Hey Zach" Cas said stabbing him with the angel knife

Dean fell to the floor I did too and pulled him into me

"Dean no please" I cried

"It's ok, guess I'm getting my ass sent back to hell" he laughed

"Come here" he said

"I love you" he said kissing me

"Kick their asses" he laughed closing his eyes

"NO No Dean no please not again Dean" I sobbed

"Cas" I cried

"I can't heal him he's a demon it won't work" I sobbed even more

Sam and John walked in they both let a tear fall

"I'm not safe without you Dean please" I cried then he lit up and stopped again

"Cas what the hell was that?" I asked crying

"He's human he just turned back"

"Dean please wake up now" I cried

"Don't leave me Dean please" I sobbed


We now had Dean moved to the sofa I was crying on his chest

I had my hand on his chest where he got stabbed

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