Chapter 36- Hell.

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Dean POV

"Well um well" she stuttered

"Take your time it's ok" I told her taking her hand

I heard a cry come from Mary's cot

"One minute" I said "CAS"

"What is it?" He asked

"Can you watch Mary for a while please? Me and Morgan need to talk just to get her to sleep and stuff" i asked

"Of course" Cas smiled I picked Mary up and handed her to Cas she smiled

"Right you're gonna be a good girl for uncle Cas tonight so daddy can talk to your mummy ok and help her cause I have my two girls to look out for now" I said kissing her head then her and Cas disappeared

"Right now we have the rest of the night" I said sitting across from her on the bed

"I got down there I was on the rack the heat was like nothing I felt before I kept thinking about you and Mary" she paused "then demons started coming in to me they did everything you could imagine hit me,stabbed me, stuck needles in me" tears began to fall down her cheeks I grabbed her hand and squeezed it not interrupting

"Then Crawley came told me he would take me off the rack if I would torture others but I didn't I couldn't so he took the torture to a new level" she said more tears falling

"He had someone come shape shifted as you" she said closing her eyes letting more tears fall and I moved my thumb to wipe them

"It wasn't just physical torture anymore he would pretend to be you not only would I get all the physical stuff I would get all the words he'd say you didn't love me anymore and that the world was better off without me" she cried more I was trying hard not to cry myself

"It still didn't work although I was ready to crack so he got what he said was you on the rack and made me watch people torture you while you said it was all my fault" she broke

"Then he stopped it because it still didn't work, so they had to take it further so Crawley did the last idea of torture he could think of he he-" she broke

"I need to know what he did baby and I swear to god I am going to slowly and painfully torture him" I told her

"You won't look at me the same if I tell you" she sobbed

"Of course I will just tell me" I squeezed her hand

"He raped me Dean" she sobbed "not just once but he done it over and over and I still see it in my head Dean" she broke down the anger rose in me I pulled her into me

"I won't let him do that to you ever again you hear me?" I tell her "that son of a bitch is going to pay for what he did to you and that's a promise"

"But Dean I tolerated that for like 100 years down there I couldn't do it anymore so I tortured people I am a monster"

"No you look at me right now" I said pulling her chin up "don't you ever say that and if it was me deciding for you I would have had you doing the torturing the minute you were in there" I told her she kept crying

"He told me you'd hate me if I ever got back because I tortured those people and because I was a slut for having sex with him" she sobbed into my chest

"No no no don't you EVER believe I'd hate you, the only person I hate is him ok? And the plan now is to find him and get revenge on him and I will do it so help me god!" I told her playing with her hair

"I feel so horrible Dean that's how the demon stuff happened he told me he'd stop everything if I agreed so I did so when I got back here at first on Mary's first birthday I came to see you guys before I turned my emotions off" she sobbed

"I feel so dirty and like I deserve to die and I'm worthless" she broke

"No that is not try I love you, ok? Always don't forget that nothing that you could do or anything that could happen to you could change that"

"Can we just not talk about it now please Dean I've had enough it's 7am now anyway" she smiled and I nodded


"Yeah!" I replied "you go downstairs" I kissed her "you're safe now"

We both made our way downstairs


I was in the car with Sam

"Did she talk about it?" Sam asked me as I drove

"Yeah" I said

"Sam if I tell you, you can't tell her you know" I stated

"Of course"

"This has to stay between me and you" I said he nodded

"Crawley didn't only physically beat her and hurt her in hell he done it verbally and he raped her Sam" I said a tear fell as we pulled over the cafe to take breakfast back

"What? Is she ok?" He asked shocked

"No she's not Sam he didn't do it once he done it over and over and she tolerated it for 100 years down there before she couldn't anymore" I said "I need to find him Sam I've got to get revenge on him" I angrily say

"I know Dean but right now you going in trying to attack the king of help isn't good especially when you're this angry Dean" Sam said "Morgan needs your comfort right now you and me both know that she doesn't admit when she's struggling and when she needs help" Sam said and I nodded


We got back with breakfast to cook

"Morgan what do you want?" I asked

"I'm not hungry" Sam gave me a look in the kitchen to say I should go sit with her I left and sat down beside her and put my arm around her and kissed her temple she smiled to herself


We were in bed and Morgan just wouldn't sleep

"Morgan babe you have to sleep"

"Dean I can't I'm scared and I know I'll keep seeing it" she sobbed

"Look I'll wake you up if you have a nightmare ok and he won't get near you ever again ok I'll keep you safe just try sleep" I kissed her head

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