Chapter 32- Showdown

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Dean POV

Mary is now 3 months old, Jess and Sam also had their baby boy who is 2 months old and called Dean. Today was the time me and Bobby had to deal with this whole Michael and lucifer thing I know there's high chance I'm not walking out alive and Mary won't have a parent left this is when I had to talk to Sam

"Sammy can I talk to you" I asked him and he nodded

"Sam look if today doesn't end the way we hope it does I need to know-"

"Dean don't please" Sam said shaking his head

"No Sam I need to know if me and Bobby don't make it I need you to take Mary and look after her there's no one else Sammy and you have been great with her as well as Dean" I smiled "I need to know she has someone looking out for her Sam, someone who I know won't make her live this hunting life if she doesn't want to Sam just please" I pleaded

"Dean you know I will of course I will and if it doesn't work out I will tell her about you and Morgan" Sam said letting a tear fall

Then Cas appeared

"Dean have you told Sam yet?" Cas questioned

"Cas has arranged to get you,Jess,Mary and Dean somewhere safe" I smiled

"Dean I can't just leave"

"That's exactly what I'm gonna do Sam I am not gonna let two kids grow up without a mother or a father too no way" I stated

"If by some chance I make it out ok coming to see you guys will be the first place I go but right now I need to say goodbye to my daughter and nephew" I smiled and he nodded

I picked up Dean

"Hey buddy listen you need to be good for your daddy and mummy ok cause he's lost quite a lot and he could lose more kiddo, I need you to do me a favour though don't let daddy brainwash your cousin with all his crap" I laughed "I love you" I said kissing his head

I picked Mary up

"Now my pretty girl, daddy has to go ok? Now I need you to know if daddy doesn't come back Uncle Sam and Aunt Jess are gonna take good care of you and keep you safe ok? And uncle Cas too. I'm sorry I had to do this ok baby but know me and mummy will always love you baby never forget that" I kissed her head tears falling and she started to cry a bit she had to be fed I handed her to Sam

"Don't get her hyped up on your rabbit food and awful music choice" I laughed

"I love you Dean" Sam said tears falling

"I love you too"

"Here" I said handing Sam the car keys he smiled at me

"Bye Jess" I said as she picked Dean up

"Right lets go" Cas took them

I sighed to myself

"Showtime" I muttered


"Dean" Michael smiled

"Michael I'm not in the mood lets just do this already"

He nodded and then he took control of my body


Bobby POV

*war zone*

"Lucifer" I heard the voice which was Dean but really Michael say

I had this planned out for a while I just hope it works

"Michael" lucifer said

"I wish we didn't have to do this you know" lucifer stated

"But we have to" Michael stated

This is it come on Cas I thought to myself then he appeared

"Castiel" Michael said sternly

"I am here to carry on what should have been" Cas smiled

Then threw the rings down and opened a hole in the ground and I managed to take control of my body for second

"Dean I love you" I said jumping into the hole



Before Michael could move I quickly ran and stabbed him with the angel knife we got once I was sure it was done I pulled the knife out of Dean's body to heal him

Dean POV

I woke up and gasped

"Cas what the hell!" I shouted

"What about Bobby!"

"Dean Bobby has had this arranged for months he said he couldn't have Mary grow up without you" I felt tears slide down my face

"Do you wanna go back?" Cas asked and I nodded


We arrived back at my house Sam sitting on the sofa with his head in his hands


"Dean" he said coming over to me and hugging me

"I'm ok" I smiled "turns out Bobby had a plan sorted for months" I stated


"Bobby arranged for us to do all this to get rid of Michael for good and lucifer he said he couldn't have Mary growing up without a parent or you living without your brother" Cas stated

"So bobby's gone?" Sam asked and I nodded

Jess came downstairs

"You're ok" Jess smiled hugging me


Then I heard a cry come from the basket across the room I walked over and picked Mary up

"Hey baby" I smiled humming to her and bouncing her back and forth "thank your brave uncle Bobby for me being here" I said kissing her head

"We're going to be ok now" I told her

"Guys you know I'm grateful but I think me and Mary could use some time alone?" I asked

"sure?" Sam asked

I nodded

"It's time for me to get used to this and you're only next door" they smiled and went next door with Dean and Cas also went away I sat down with her

"just me and you now princess? Hmm" I smiled down at her "just please don't grow up to be as stubborn as your mum because you know she was really stubborn and it drove me insane" I laughed

"You know she loved you right? She loved you so so much princess like I love you too and I promise I will always keep you safe" I said kissing her head she fell asleep I smiled and went up to bed with her I placed her in her crib that is currently beside my bed I laid down and smiled at the photo of me and Morgan beside my bed

"Night baby" I smiled and dosed off into a sleep

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