Chapter 21- back

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It's been two weeks Dean is going insane she has to wake up he's away to shower and stuff

"Come on Morgan"

I sat reading for a while that's when the machines starting beeping like crazy and she woke up with a gasp

"Oh my god DOCTOR" I shouted the doctor came running in


Normal POV

The doctor ran some tests

"You seem perfectly ok Morgan except your 2 broken ribs and your broken ankle everything seems good" the doctor smiled "we should be able to let you home tomorrow" he smiled

"Where's Dean?"

"I called him about 20 times I don't know where the hell he is" Sam chuckled

"SAM WHAT IS IT WHATS WRONG IS SHE-" he saw me and stopped himself

"Hey Dean" I smiled he walked over to me and pressed his lips against mine the kiss lasted for a good 5 minutes with Sam and Jess sitting there

"Don't ever scare me like that again" he said hugging me tight

"Hey Dean broken ribs" I laughed softly

"Oh sorry"

"Right we will give you guys some time" Sam and Jess said walking out

"So do you remember anything?" He asked holding my hand

"A lot actually I mean I remember Tessa showing me what would have happened if I left and what would have happened if I stayed" I said

Cas walked in

"Morgan oh my god how are you?" He said hugging me tight

"Cas broken ribs"

"I'd heal you but my grace is all pretty much gone" he sighed

"It's fine" I smiled

Bobby soon came in

"Thank god you are ok you had Dean weeping like a baby" Bobby laughed

"Shut up"


It was the next morning and I was finally getting to go home

"You ready?" Dean asked

"Yeah" Dean handed me my crutches

"6 weeks Dean with these and my ribs could take months to fully heal" I sighed

"Hey it'll be fine besides I have a surprise for you beautiful" he smiled kissing my forehead

"Ok" I smiled

We walked out of the hospital and Dean helped me into the car

"Bobby and Sam done a really good job with the car" I complimented

"I know right" Dean smiled

"Right remember to keep your foot up" Dean said lifting my leg up and sitting it up where the window is

He started to drive

"Where are we going?"

"Surprise baby" he smiled

Some time later we arrived Sam waiting outside the car

"Right close your eyes I'll come around and carry you" he smiled I closed my eyes he lifted me up and Sam took my crutches then Sam gave me my crutches while my eyes were still closed

"Ok careful" I heard a door unlock and walked in

"Open" Dean said

"Oh my god Dean" I smiled as I saw Bobby and Jess and Cas all standing in the house

"It's ours I know with the hunts and stuff we may not be in here for weeks on end but it's here if we need it which you will for the next 6 weeks" he smiled

"I promised myself I wouldn't give us a broken home" he smiled "you know there's 4 bedrooms in here and Sam and Jess have the house next door" he smiled

"Dean this is perfect" I kissed him

"Now you go sit down and get your foot up its me and you time tonight" Dean smiled

"I wanna see upstairs" I groaned Dean laughed and carried me upstairs

"Dean this is too amazing" I said smiling as I looked all over

"I just thought we deserved even a little bit of normal" he grinned


"Right love birds we are away"

"We're next door if you need any help" Jess smiled and hugged me

"Thank you guys" I smiled

"Bye" they all smiled

"Now I'm making us dinner so you can relax and watch TV and we can have a night just me and you" Dean smiled and pecked my lips

"You do know we haven't done this since our like 6th date or something" I laughed

"I know" Dean went off to cook dinner


"I hate this"
I cried losing my remember throwing my crutches

"Hey it's ok"

"No Dean I am going to be like this for weeks while you guys go off on hunts and I'm stuck like this" tears stream down my face

"Right hey you only got out of hospital today I'm not leaving you alone any time soon now don't get upset it's just for just now you will need a little help which is ok babe!" Dean stated

I sighed and nodded Dean started to wipe my tears away

"Let's go to bed" he smiled lifting me up

"Thank you Dean"

"It's ok" he smiled

He lay me in bed gently and placed my ankle on a pillow

"I hate this" I sighed

"I know but it'll get better you wanna watch TV"

"Yeah sure" I smiled

We watched the notebook and it just got me to thinking about me and Dean and how I hope we can have a long happy life

"Where's your head at beautiful?" Dean asked playing with my hair

"How did you know"

"Well I think after years I know when you're deep in thought" he laughed

"I just want us to have a little normality you know at least a longish life" I said

"And we will I promise"

"It feels so empty in here with it just being us" I laughed slightly

"I know I miss the geek" Dean chuckled

"It's nice though" I smiled

"It is" Dean smiled and kissed me

"Now you better sleep it's been a long day" he said kissing me again

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