Chapter 14- This means war

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Normal POV

I woke up

"Morning sleepy" Dean said bringing through my breakfast

"What time is it?" I asked

"12" he laughed

"What I have not slept this long in months" I yawned

"I know you haven't and you haven't been eating well either Sam told me so eat up" he said handing me my tray

I tried to sit up but I winced in pain

"Hey be careful you don't rip your stitches" Dean helped me sit up

I began to eat eventually I finished it all

"That's my girl" he smiled and took my plate back through to the kitchen

Sam came in the door

"Finally you're up"

"I brought someone who can help" Cas walked in

"WHAT THE HELL SAM" Dean yelled standing up

"I told you it wasn't Cas that came here last night! It was Zachariah tell them what you told me Cas" Sam said

"He's turned into a shapeshifter angel you could say the last time I was properly here was that night we were remembering Dean" he said

"Morgan Sam said you were hurt?" I

"Right let me see" he said coming over and seeing the stitches

He touched my forehead and healed me

"thank you Cas"

"So what's the plans now?" I asked

"This is the biggest war we could ever imagine starting with yellow eyes, so we need to prepare for battle but there's only 2 people who are able to kill him" Cas said and looked at me and Sam

"Not a chance in hell am I letting Morgan fight yellow eyes! Way too dangerous"

"Dean this is the only way we will both be able to take him but only if we go on urm" Sam stuttered I knew what was coming

"Demon blood" Dean finished his sentence

"Look Dean it's the only way she'll be able to take him and if it makes you feel any better she can drink the blood from you gradually so she builds it up and isn't pretty much draining demons properly" Sam said gently

Dean looked at me

"I have a few conditions"

"Yes?" Cas asked

"I go with them when they are fighting him" he stated seriously

Cas nods

"We need to start this training properly like today though for us to be ready" Sam said

"This war needs everyone working together to stop this so that means demons,Angels and hunters because before even getting to yellow eyes it's going to be a hard ride to get there" Cas stated

"Let's go"


Dean POV

I wasn't sure on this but it has to be done I was worried about her I'm still a demon but I care still even more so having everybody around me

"Right lets get started Morgan you start"

"Dean I'm not fighting you" she stated

"I know that's why Crawley is here, you are stronger when you are worried about me and your emotions are heightened but we need to see what it's like with you having this" I cut my arm and gave her my arm

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